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squeakitties posted:
following weird horny furries who are into shit like pooltoys and transformation and stuff is enrichment. the vitamins and minerals of posting

squeakitties replied:
[image of tumblr tags reading “exposure to fetishes you aren’t into is inoculation against the disgust response that right wingers prey upon”]

twinkenjoyer-deactivated replies:
once you get over your ass and realise you will never get some people and that’s ok you are basically immune to right wing fearmongering. otherkin? none of my fucking business

    4 months ago

    Some people on the internet seem to think passion = sexual arousal, I see it all the time with special interests.

    You can obviously be passionate about pokemon, for example, without having carnal desires towards them, but the fact that they’re popular in certain kinds of art causes people to judge a huge community by its horniest creators.

    That’s not to say the horny art is bad or anything (although I have a particular gripe with fantasies that wouldn’t pass the Harkness test), but it seems to always draw the wrong sort of attention.