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squeakitties posted:
following weird horny furries who are into shit like pooltoys and transformation and stuff is enrichment. the vitamins and minerals of posting

squeakitties replied:
[image of tumblr tags reading “exposure to fetishes you aren’t into is inoculation against the disgust response that right wingers prey upon”]

twinkenjoyer-deactivated replies:
once you get over your ass and realise you will never get some people and that’s ok you are basically immune to right wing fearmongering. otherkin? none of my fucking business

  • Mossy Feathers (She/They)
    4 months ago

    Because those animals are cool. You see the others you mentioned too, but you don’t see animals no one likes. It’s less soul searching and finding you are something else and more finding something cool and wanting to be like it.

    I suppose. I mean, I think it goes a bit deeper than that; I legit feel incomplete if I think about my lack of tail or snout. It’s no where near as bad as gender dysphoria, I only notice it if I think about it (as opposed to a constant “buzz” in the back of my head like dysphoria) but it’s there. Like, some part of my brain decided that I’m supposed to have a tail and snout. Maybe it’s some crazy-ancient leftover that never got totally filtered out from when we did have tails and snouts?

    I’m a transhumanist, i understand being just human is a negative.

    I tend to self-id as a transhumanist more often than a therian. It depends on the crowd, but it seems easier to explain that I’m into the idea of body modification for the purpose of augmenting/extending existing abilities, granting new abilities, or changing appearance based on personal taste; than the fact that my brain swings between seeing myself as an extinct theropod (an androgynous, feathered troodontid of mysterious gender with mossy-looking feathers; aka “Mossy Feathers”) to a wholly mythological creature (a very obviously fem dragon/dragon-hybrid who’s appearance I’m still trying to work out).