• WoodScientist@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    That’s the thing though. Most Americans feel they don’t really live in a democracy, and they’re right. Statistically, the interests of the bottom 90% of the population have zero impact on Congress. Congress’s actions only correlate with the opinions of the top 10%, and moreso the higher on the income ladder you go.

    Trump is nothing new. People voted for Trump for the same reason people voted for Napoleon. A system, even a democratic one, is only useful if it produces useful results. We don’t have a democracy, we have an oligarchy.

    In a system as corrupt and intransigent as ours, the only way you can actually get anything done, for good or ill, is to be someone like Trump who runs roughshod over political norms.

    This kind of thing is common in history. Democracies can get so corrupt, worn down, and intractable, that eventually the people just vote in someone who will rule by fiat. The wealthy cut off every avenue of democratic change, and eventually a demogogue comes to power promising to just produce change by force.

    Anyone who has studied history could have predicted Trump. Authoritarianism is the inevitable consequence of corrupt nominal ‘democracies’ that only serve the wealthy.

    • Goodmorningsunshine@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I agree with everything said here and have largely said it myself. The people didn’t fail America - America failed the people. Whether or not Harris won, I would have sought to leave the country. She just would have been a stop gap measure to help prolong the offramp. This country’s leaders forgot long ago that they lead a citizenry, not an owner/slave population, and it absolutely is an oligarchy.

      I just would never have voted for the guy who’s going to lead the genocide and make everything harder for absolutely everybody but the rich as well as tank the planet. My “wanting to watch the world burn” would not have taken that direction for anything.