The vegan community is growing on the lemmyverse now at 110 registered users that makes a MAU of 69 (0.15%) of the 44.9k Lemmy userbase.
If we apply the 90-9-1 rule with rounding factored in, we would have 55 lurkers, 5 small contributors and 1 contributor. has 39 users, 7 communities, 533 posts, 376 comments and 18 6mo active users. Started on 24-05-09. has 71 users, 13 communities, 1200 posts, 2500 comments and 51 6mo active users. Started on 24-04-10.
! has 106 posts, 110 comments, 83 subscribers and 671 6mo visitiors.
! has 388 posts, 1300 comments, 310 subscribers and 2500 6mo visitors.
Here are the signup pages if you’re interested: and both are anarchist.
For real. There’s a significant number of downvotes on this article even. What the hell?
Clowns doing clown things. I’d recommend an instance with downvotes disabled but it’s all personal preference.
Could be unrelated, but there was some fiasco a bit ago where some vegans on Lemmy were calling for withholding necessary nutrition to pets, and they got a ton of shit for it. There’s been a kind of “fuck that place” vibe ever since.
Hopefully people can eat a little less meat and it loses its subsidies. That would be great.
That is misrepresenting the situation as synthetic taurine, B12 and vitamin A can be provided in a plant-based diet through the form of reputable kibble brands.
Please read the content linked in a drama thread. So many users and others admitted they did not read the actual words said but raged against vegans anyway. You’ve created an imaginary scenario, there was no call for fuck’s sake. Just people discussing in a single thread if it is possible to feed a cat a vegan diet if you give them proper supplements. Cats do need taurine, but the cat food you buy in a store has synthetic taurine added to it because the processing removes actual taurine (this was mentioned in the thread btw). Someone even linked studies of it being possible. Then a admin got triggered because they were ignorant and did not even bother reading the content of the comments beyond the words “cat” and “vegan diet” and ended up removing the mod team for trying to push back. The admin was forced to apologize. But the userbase did not read anything apparently and kept saying Rook shouldn’t apologize for trying to stop the evil vegans forcing cats to eat vegan diets. This spread like wildfire. Honestly, just reactionary bullshit and idk why I expected lemmy to be better than that.
That was just Rooki on He’s already got a bad rep as it is. Nobody else cared that much, especially on other instances.
As if. People disagreeing with you is not harassement. I guess almost no one want you to stop not eating meat.
Amen to that
Vegans on Lemmy do get harassed, they get childish carnists coming to their threads telling vegans they are going to eat even more meat to piss them off or get called all sorts of things to provoke them into engaging in a bad faith “debate.” I remember someone saying vegans are overemotional and are unable to comprehend the great logic of eating meat. They are trolls and they need to fuck off from vegan communities.
In my personal life, I’ve had a lot of push back from my family and SO about switching to veganism. My family has tried obnoxiously to get me to eat meat, they don’t prepare my meals but felt they needed to “get these ideas out of [my] head.” And my SO makes my meals and has said it would be “easier” if I just ate what they ate especially since they find my food “gross” and “sad.” When I first went vegan my SO told me my veganism wouldn’t be a problem for them as long as I didn’t make it a problem. Shit is depressing. I pay for all groceries btw in case you were wondering about our arrangement. Sorry for ranting, it just sucks and has taken its toll.
That’s crazy, I don’t know how you do it. When my SO and I got back together after I had gone vegan she tried it for me and has stuck with it ever since. I can’t imagine having to fight against my SO or watch them eat meat every day.
Sorry, I know you’re not commenting for relationship advice. I’m sure there is a world where two people could have different beliefs on this and still coexist, but yours sounds… hostile. I’d really ask yourself if they’re worth it.
The same meat eaters who say “respect my choices and stop judging me” while they childishly go out of their way to say “your vegan food looks sad”
Them taking my money and buying animal products would be my last straw, I would not let them buy groceries with my hard earned money ever again and would be seriously reconsidering my relationship.