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a tumblr post from slyeposting:

You order a package off Amazon. When the Amazon delivery guy shows up to your door, instead of giving you the package you bought, he beats the shit out of you. Then, when he sees that you are not dead yet, he calls all of the Amazon delivery people in the area and they all proceed to beat the shit out of you. Miraculously, you survive. Another miracle: a friend in your neighborhood caught the assault on video. After a month of recovery and extensive hospital bills that you have no idea what to do with, the video has gone viral. You read the comments below. “This is what happens to people who fuck with Amazon!!!” Someone says. “I’ve never been beaten up by Amazon employees, and I’ve been using them all my life!” Someone else comments. Later, you start to see articles popping up about your story. They all mention that when you were 17, your license was revoked for reckless driving. In a Facebook post on your mom’s feed, someone is going on a rant about how not all Amazon delivery guys are bad, and that if you look really close, the “bad” ones are just stressed out. Your name is trending on Twitter. Jeff Bezos films a response to your attack, denouncing the video of you getting beaten to within an inch of your life by his employees as becoming “a symbol of hate towards Amazon.” The people who attacked you still deliver packages around your neighborhood. You saw one of them just yesterday as you were watering your plants. You still can’t pay your hospital bills. Your phone dings- Twitter again. “Maybe if you didn’t order from Amazon,” someone pipes up, “this wouldn’t have happened!”

slyeposting replies:
a screenshot of a comment under the post reading: “if amazon delivery guys are beating you up maybe you should call the police”
[reaction image of Gru from Despicable Me looking down in bafflement]
holy shit

    4 months ago

    I was just extending the bait, didn’t realize people would take it seriously. I’ve added an “/s”.

    • (⬤ᴥ⬤)OP
      4 months ago

      i find that using tone indicators was a good habit to get into, they’re a bit clunky yea but sarcasm is hard to parse by itself, let alone through text and god forbid if you have some neurodivergence on top of it all. if two characters are all thats needed to save a collective 5 minutes of human life i see no reason not type them.