Sony is the biggest fucking security risk in this entire deal, what the fuck
Especially with the rootkit scandal from 2005, the PSN breach from 2011, the internal employee data breach in 2023, etc
they also do not protected customers private information. Let alone their own…
Its extremely funny to me that people still bring this up like its actually relevant to any broad swathe of population.
Giant tech nerds really do be forgetting normal people exist.
Edit: yup, this is what i expected.
I was thinking more along the lines of “ah yes, that thing that happened 19 years ago”
How many databreach had sony until now? I remember more than one
To be fair, Totoki has a bit of a point when it comes to safety concerns, as PlayStation will be required to oversee interactions between players in its multiplayer games, but that doesn’t really explain why single-player games force players to create PSN accounts.
What ever happened to “Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB” and “Online interactions may lead to a different or unintended experience” and other such concepts?
I mean, this is pretty rich coming from one of the most hackable companies in history. But still.
I think “Disclaimer: Product may explode and take out your eye” only goes so far in terms of warning consumers. Better to actually have something protecting them.
EDIT: My tired mind when I wrote that was just specifically annoyed at the use of disclaimers to excuse a negative trait of software/products. Basically, I was reminded of when Cyberpunk hit the issue of seizure content, and all they did was add a generic warning to the game. But, I really should have added: Sony attempting to use consumer protection to excuse PSN is also stupid. Basically, I’d gotten off topic.
No online interaction is going to be as harmful as a product exploding and taking out your eye. Except in the case of children and pedos, perhaps. But in that case, most responsibility (all, in my opinion) is on the parents to monitor their child’s online gaming. Additionally, a system that doesnt require PSN accounts that monitors in game chat for words and phrases that flags for human interception could easily be implemented. Something like that could be caught quickly and dealt with easily before actual damage occurs.
Doesn’t explain single player games.
Sony? Safe? Lmao
Pausing the sony bad narrative for two minutes. Where the fuck was all of this outrage when Rockstar, Ubisoft, EA, Actiblizz and so on did the exact same for over a fucking decade? Why is sony the straw that beoke the camel’s back when theirs isn’t even the worse requirement? Shit, I still have PTSD from GFWL.
Are they still storing passwords in plaintext?
We will find out in the next hack.
Cuz when I think about safety of my user data I think Sony
The same Sony that put some software on CDs that would install itself, could not be removed, and was invisible to the end-user? Oh yeah, very secure.
Just to fully expound on what you’re saying, it was a rootkit, literally malware.
Why even go out of your way to spout that bs? Just say nothing, if you’re not about to say „shit, you’re right, no more PSN requirements on PC,“ you can only make it worse
Wait, is this the same company that installed a rootkit on your computer when you inserted a genuine bought music cd, or has had their databases breached several times, where plain text user credit card data was stolen and the latest one was not that long ago.
That Sony?