And thus began the second dark age. In the 21st century, the election of Donald Trump triggered a chain of events that ceased scientific progress globally. Environmental stewardship gave way to rampant consumption and dirty industry. Women once again became subjugated to property and lost all human rights. Logic and reason was forgotten and replaced with conspiracy theories and superstition. Over the next few centuries tribalism and the decay of modern society played out against the backdrop of now unstoppable climate change, which was largely attributed to superstitious causes by small groups of devolved humans living in filth amongst the ruins of a once great civilization.

    4 months ago

    Oh, I know this one. A country’s democracy suffers manipulation by international interests, paving the way for fascism that ravages their way of life. It’s called The Rest of the World and you’re not the first one to do it.

    Read up and take notes if you want to navigate these waters, they’ve already been charted.

      4 months ago

      Yeah, but we’re also the most powerful military in the history of the world armed to the eyeballs with nukes.

      This is worse.