Blessica would be made fun of regardless of the last name. Name her Jessica and use Blessica as a cutesy moniker if you have to, but those idiotic names are just a recipe for disaster and should be considered child abuse.
For a second, I was grateful for the interesting, useful information in the first sentence. Your second sentence is unnecessarily condescending and obnoxious, though.
Tragedeigh. Blessica would be made fun of regardless of the last name. Name her Jessica and use Blessica as a cutesy moniker if you have to, but those idiotic names are just a recipe for disaster and should be considered child abuse.
Blessica is a real name used in the Phillipines. Expand your cultural horizons a little bit, dude.
For a second, I was grateful for the interesting, useful information in the first sentence. Your second sentence is unnecessarily condescending and obnoxious, though.
Yeah and Ernest is a name in North America but that doesn’t mean it’s not a stupid fucking name.
oh, so you’re just racist
Lol okay you tell yourself whatever pants shittingly stupid thing you want to make yourself feel better bud.
I’m not the one making fun of a name just because it’s from a different culture. Seems pretty racist to me.
Well that’s pretty fuckin stupid of ya bud. Good luck with your future. That’s gonna be hard to deal with.