Four songs and album art have been discovered for a Critmas album.

youTube Playlist

Spotify Playlist

Track listing:

  • Winter’s Crest Festival Time (sung by Pumat Sol)
  • Silent Mind (sung by Imogen)
  • Twelve Days of Grogmas (sung by Grog and Pike)
  • It’s Critmas (sung by the CR cast)

Lyrics to Silent Mind:
Silent mind, peaceful night
All is calm, all is quiet
Moon above us and storm passing by
Hold your loved ones close by your side
Dream in comfort and peace,
Dream in comfort and peace.

Silent mind, peaceful night,
Take a breath, feel alive
Hear the Winter’s Crest theater outside
Singing songs as we sit by the fire
Sharing holiday joy,
Sharing holiday joy.

Silent mind, peaceful night
Welcome guests, shine a light
Join together from places afar
Always grateful for all that we are
Friends forever we’ll be,
Friends forever we’ll be

Further details to come…

  • UltragrampsOPM
    4 months ago

    Twelve days of Grogmas

    sung by Pike and Grog

    Pike: Okay Grog! Now just like we practiced!
    Grog: On the first day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    On the second day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    On the third day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Three, two one,
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    On the fifth day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Pike: You skipped one!
    Grog: Five pints of ale!
    Four stinky turds,
    Three, two one,
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    On the sixth day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Six axes swinging-

    ‘Cause there was a huge monster attack, and my axe broke, so I got another one. And then that one broke, so I got another one, and I raged on ‘em, and there was blood all over the place. And his guts popped out, and I slipped on his guts-
    Pike: Buddies! Holiday song! Keep it light?

    Ten pints of ale!
    Four stinky turds,
    Three, two one,
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    On the seventh day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Seven monsters slaying,
    Six axes swinging,
    Twenty pints of ale!
    Four stinky turds,
    Three, two one,
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    On the- Uh- On the- Mmmm! Uh, Pike? What number was I at?
    Pike: Eight!
    Grog: How many fingers is that?
    Pike: One hand three fingers, buddies.
    Grog: Oh!

    On the eighth day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Nine naked ladies,
    Eight maids to wash me,
    Seven axes swinging,
    Six monsters slaying,
    A hundred pints of ale!
    Four stinky turds,
    Three, two one,
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    Uh, what just happened? Pike?
    Pike: Key change. Just sing a little higher, dude!
    Grog: Okay.

    On the tenth day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Ten Lord de Rolos,
    Nine naked ladies,
    Eight maids to wash me,
    Seven axes swinging,
    Six monsters slaying,
    A thousand pints of ale!
    Four stinky turds,
    Three, two one,
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    On the eleventh day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    Eleven spice a-spicin’,
    Ten Lord de Rolos,
    Nine naked ladies,
    Eight somethin’ somethin’,
    And a bunch of crap I already said!

    On the twelfth day of Grogmas, my Pikey gave to me:
    What fun it is to ride and sing a slaying song tonight!
    Oh! Dingleberries, dingleberries hanging on my on my bum!
    Pike: Wrong song!
    Grog: Huh?
    Pike: You were on twelve! Twelve?
    Grog: Twelve fighters fighting,
    Eleven spice a-spicin’,
    Ten Lord de Rolos,
    Nine naked ladies,
    Eight maids to wash you,
    Seven axes swinging,
    Six monsters slaying,
    A million pints of ale!
    Four stinky turds,
    Three, two one,
    Two GoFiBePos, and
    A little birdy in the Sun tree!

    Pike: Good job, buddies! You did it!
    Grog: Thanks!