If you’re at all aware of what goes in farming in Australia you know it’s a massive horror show. From chicken macerators to pig gas chambers animals suffer massively to end up on your plate.

Every Australian I’ve ever spoken to describes themselves as loving animals, and is horrified at things such as whaling. Most of us even find activities like puppy milling or hunting upsetting.

In light of this; and the knowledge that a few decades ago whaling was a-ok, monkeys didn’t matter, and elephants certainly didn’t feel pain; what makes you confident that what you were raised to consider beneath consideration actually is?

Eating animals is neither necessary nor nice, so why do it?

  • NaevaTheRat [she/her]@vegantheoryclub.orgOP
    4 months ago

    It literally uses more ariable land to eat meat. Chickens, pigs they’re fed grain. Most cows are too, there isn’t enough pasture on the planet to meet the demand.

    Most impoverished nations are largely plant based, but neither of us live there. we’re talking about why you, an Aussie aren’t vegan.

    I’m sure if I came from a culture that was different, endured hardships(like starving to death) or even just viewed them differently, maybe I would too

    It’s very strange to me to suggest that whether or not it is right or wrong depends on the culture you are raised in. This has troubling implications for other acts. DV is very common in Australia, is it less wrong to beat your wife here than in Germany?

    Unless you have some way to rapidly switch billions of dollar of farming industry to purely plant based industries?

    we are not talking about entire industries, we are talking about you right now. Unless you mean to say you take some sort of economic catagorical imperative as a way of deciding how to act?