Well, since there are people asking there should be a bot posting final answer, so right now needs your opinion, due to lack to features in Lemmy:
- There is no flair;
- There is no ability to edit user’s post as mod;
- There is no pinning comments function.
If you guys are fine for the just a generic bot reply in the comments, I will go and build one. Or if you have a better idea, comment about it
Also just a reminder that you can free to comment in this post.
Edit: Some people might not know what is this final answer bot. Back in the r/askouija, there is a bot running that will automatically set flair to Ouija says: <stuff> for the first answer with goodbye that is over a certain amount of upvotes. You can also customize it by setting a custom upvote threshold using “minscore: <num>”. The image below is what it looks like:
People have been asking for this bot since the beginning of this community that I always end up with finding it not feasible. Due to someone raising the question again recently, I decided to start this post to ask for some extra opinions.
Post flair is the only way. Maybe pin a link to the feature request, explaining that until the feature is available it won’t happen.
I think just a comment would get lost in all the answers but maybe a pinned thread with all the questions and answers from the previous month? Not really the same thing though.
Hmmm… it could be done but feels weird
Yup. My personal vote is definitely inaction, at least until lemmy gets flairs.
I have no idea what’s going on here. What is the point of this bot in the first place?
In the r/askouija, there is a bot running that will automatically set flair to Ouija says: <stuff> for the first answer with goodbye that is over a certain amount of upvotes. You can also customize it by setting a custom upvote threshold using “minscore: <num>”. The image below is what it looks like:
People have been asking for this bot since the beginning of creating this community that I always end up with finding it not feasible. Due to someone raising the question again recently, I decided to start this post to ask for some opinions.
A second post with the answer filled into the question?
This feels weird… how will you create this second post?
id rather not have the bot, but it would be cool.