Just try to grasp the size / scale of the world and (pre-) history. Obviously we can only observe from a human perspective, but compared to most of our daily lives, nature and time are immense and extremely small / short at the same time.
I don’t know if at least trying to grasp these would be considered slight changes of interpretation, but definitely simple ones.
Take a 1000 marbles, different sizes. Colour them randomly, red or blue. Throw them in a bag.
Take 100 marbles. Colour the largest halve red, the other halve blue. Add them to the bag.
Statistically, with sufficient sampling, an outsider will be able to measure the difference in average size, red group of marbles vs blue group of marbles.
But if you’re a marble meeting another marble, knowing their assigned colour gives you very little information on if they’re bigger or smaller than you.
That we are supposed to be a part of it and not separate. Indigenous peoples have a drastically different outlook on nature because they feel they’re nature, whereas we’re so disconnected from it all.