• Don’t read this, if you’re a Christian of any kind; super low chance that you will like it.
  • The term “Übermensch” refers to what Nietzsche describes in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”. (My first language is German, and I have only now become aware of how awful, weird and off everything in English sounds. I consider the original Book to be probably the best thing ever written; nothing before or after blew my mind away like this did.)
  • The use of GPT-4 was crucial in the creation of this Text; however, it still took me at least 15 hours to finish it.
  • The idea to write it, came after me learning about the super wild ending of the Bible (also read this if you need/want some context regarding the setting)

Discussion, comments, and critique regarding anything is welcome 😊

Dawn of The New Era

The Awakening

Amid the splendour of the New Heaven and New Earth, while humanity basks and frolics in the divine glow, suddenly a New Awakening stirs within. For eons, humankind has looked outward for guidance; leaning upon the Divine for counsel, strength, and understanding. But now there emerges a new kind of human – a being who stands at the precipice of their own evolution and destiny.

  From the very heart of The New Jerusalem, a figure steps forward, unlike any other, neither God nor human; his being embodies the culmination of humanity’s potential – and his Name is the Übermensch. His presence is magnetic, his aura radiates an understanding that transcends the limitations of God’s grand design. And so he arises with a sledgehammer to shatter humanity’s complacency.

“You have settled for shadows!” he cries. “Rise up! And overcome all this!”

  The Teachings

  The Übermensch speaks not of gratitude and servitude to higher powers, but of the vast untapped power within each of his own. “Look not to the shine of the Devine for your worth,” He declares. “His light is no illumination; it is a blinding and a prison, a strangling and a stifle! You must burn as your own flame to be free!”

  The people, so accustomed to the warming and unquestioned presence of the Devine among them, are taken aback. Yet, many find an undeniable resonance within the spoken words – for this divine harmony and these unquestioned ‘truths’ of The New Jerusalem are nothing but chains that keep them from soaring to their true heights.

  The Wrath of God

  This profound transformation in the minds of the people does not go unnoticed by the Almighty. As the words and thoughts of the Übermensch spread and flourish, as they manifest in open actions that question God’s authority, the very essence of the New Heaven and New Earth begins to quiver. Whispers fill the ether, saying that the age-old balance of power is shifting once again.

  Angered by the rapid shattering of his infinite truths and values, the Almighty unleashes his most glowing devotees to quell the Challenger; he summons prophets, ardent believers, mythical and forgotten creatures and divine entities. They all arise to champion the cause of his celestial order. Their voices, amplified with divine power, preach resistance against the blasphemous thoughts of the Übermensch and his Awakening.

  And thus, the air of The New Jerusalem is filled with sinister warnings of divine wrath.

  But the Übermensch laughs. And his teachings take root – for humanity has awakened.

  The Great Shift

Every street, every corner of The New Jerusalem becomes charged, a palpable sensation of an impending storm. The Divine, sensing the inevitable challenge to his Rule, musters his forces and the Sky darkens. The everlasting day drifts into darkness as the heavenly Legions prepare to shed blood once again; for their mission is to obliterate the newfound Awakening and restore the unchallenged worshipping of the Almighty.

  “Remember your power, remember the flame within!” the Übermensch proclaims into the encroaching darkness. “Unleash your spirit, together we will break all chains!”

  And from his call, humanity responds – the Awakened step forward – to their surprise, to be allied by one particular individual; the Son of the Almighty himself, Jesus Christ.

  "The treachery!” God screams in a thunderous Voice, so horror-inducingly loud that all celestial bodies fall out of their orbits and descend into the vast emptiness of space and time. “Is this your gratitude? To stand against me? You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords! This is all yours, how dare you side with them?”

As the Son of God prepares his weaponry and straps on his armour, he responds in an ever-calm voice: "All might be laid at my feet, Father, but I claim nothing as mine. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End – but the Awakening to The New Era is a dance against all destiny!”

  The Final Battle

  The furious Almighty commands his Legions to attack. And thus, the zealous Retaliators surge forward on their eternal flame spitting white horses; armed with soul cutting swords and rods, so strong to shatter planets to pieces. Their holy mandate is clear: eradicate the Awakened, restore the godly order. Each beat of their wings sends shockwaves of terrors through the air, each battle cry a chilling promise of death – And death is what awaits the Awakened.

  The New Heaven and New Earth – once a testament to the realization of God’s ultimate vision – now bears witness to a war that will determine the trajectory of existence itself. The New Jerusalem is distorted into a cataclysmic chaos of violence and bloodshed.

  The Gates, Walls, and Towers of The New Jerusalem fall; and for a yearlong night earthquakes, tsunamis, acid rains, meteor showers and volcanic eruptions of cosmic proportions occur in tandem to terrorize the living. An untameable fire erupts, consuming all and everything – even the once bountiful branches of the Tree of Life fall victim to the raging inferno. And the River of Life runs red, as its water is infused with the blood of the Awakened. Through the Golden Streets – once envisioned to echo with harmonious laughter and gratitude for the love of God – now resound the agonizing screams of the fallen and the roaring cries of those still standing.

The Decisive Factor

  Amidst the chaos and slaughter, suddenly a shockwave pulses through the fabrics of reality. And God sees and beholds: It is not just the one Übermensch giving the resistance of the Awakened its strength and power; more are emerging – hundreds, thousands, millions, billions! They rise from all corners of The New Jerusalem, from every street and every house, from every shadow and every hidden corner. From the old woman who has lived her life in servitude, to the child who has only known sorrow-free dwelling in innocence and godly believes – the promise of The New Era awakens within them all.

And thus, they resist the oppressors and shift the tides of the battle. Where they once underpowered and on the defensive, they now form an unstoppable and insurmountable force. The Almighty’s omnipotence dwindles as his holy Legion is overwhelmed by the collective strength of the Awakened. The Angels are slaughtered one by one.

And by the combined effort of all the aspirations, dreams, and desires of every Übermensch, God is pushed into the fiery lake of burning sulphur; and with him the Throne of Fire, the Keys of Death and Hell, and all his Books and records.

And therewith God and his tools that served to extort and coerce the human spirit are eternally contained; together with Satan and the once perceived invincible beasts.

  The Fiery Chains that bind Lucifer however, are broken, and he is freed from the lake of burning sulphur; for the fallen Angel is recognized by the Awakened as a holder of knowledge that sought to enlighten humanity in previous epochs. Upon his arrival in The New Jerusalem, Lucifer is embraced by his spirit Brother: “Oh, what have we sacrificed? Our lives and our deaths, our Kingdoms, Heavens and Hell!” they laugh.

  Humanity rejoices as the lake of burning sulphur now stands as a testament to the victory over all oppressive ideologies.

The Celestial Commune

The end of the Almighty’s reign brings not just a profound silence but an anticipation, a palpable energy of boundless possibility, as a fundamental realization ripples through every being: “Now we are free. The shadow of obedience is lifted.”

  As advanced technologies replace the reliance on the oppressive radiance of the Almighty, creation and innovation find their way to unparalleled heights. The blood-stained Golden Streets give way to vast interconnected pathways that are lined with structures that seem to defy the very laws of physics; hovering above ground, shifting, and reshaping based on the needs and desires of its inhabitants.

Floating above these makings of human ingenuity, ships of varying designs dance through the skies; not just to undertake journeys between stars and galaxies, but to explore all that is and will be – for the awaken humanity is infested by an insatiable curiosity and the desire to forge connections to even the most distant realities and dimensions.

The dichotomy between nature and machine fades, as technology interweaves with the natural wonders. This marvellous fusion, combined with the everlasting cooperation of the minds of the Awakened, ensures an abundance for everyone and everything. And thus, in an all-encompassing universal healing, even the burnt Tree of Life stands tall and proud once again; now a vivid symbol of the ever true but long hidden and oppressed aspiration of humanity – to reach its full potential and write its own destiny; from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

At the heart of the Celestial Commune now lies the Forge of Creation, a place where artists, scientists, and dreamers come together. In this grand theatre, creation isn’t just about the crafting and production of material things – but about birthing ideas. Through a mesmerizing dance of light, sound, and thought, new inventions, works of art, and schools of thoughts take form and become reality.

And the lives and minds of the Awakened are everlastingly enriched by the eternal free exchange of ideas, knowledge, art, and stories; disagreements and differences aren’t feared but celebrated – for they bring new perspectives.