Villagers in Peru reportedly thought they were being attacked by “seven-foot-tall-aliens” but authorities in the area have revealed it was actually a gang of illegal gold miners flying around on jetpacks, purposefully trying to scare people in the area.

Indigenous “Ikitu” villagers reported in late July that they were being attacked at night by “strange beings,” sparking an investigation by the local prosecutor’s office, according to La Republica.

    • livusOP
      111 months ago

      “And we would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for those pesky prosecutor’s office investigators.”

  • livusOP
    11 months ago

    From the article:

    Witnesses said that the “aliens” they saw were masked or hooded, dressed in all black and could be as large as two meters tall. Some locals likened what they saw to the infamous Spider-Man villain “Green Goblin,” who famously flies around on a glider. There were also other superstitious answers given for the mysterious attackers’ identities, such as them being “los Pelacaras,” or “face peelers.”

    Investigating prosecutor Carlos Castro Quintanilla told the publication RPP that the ‘aliens’ behind these events are actually criminals, who put on masks and terrorized villages in order to continue committing their illegal gold mining operations without impediment.

    Explaining the “aliens” ability to fly, Quintanilla told RPP that the gold miners are using jetpacks. RPP also shared a photo of a teen holding a picture of the jetpacks allegedly used by the thieves.

    “They would be using state-of-the-art technology, such as thrusters that allow people to fly,” Quintanilla said to RPP, noting that the technology is also used by miners to search for gold deep in the Peruvian jungle.

    The “aliens” are also accused of committing various other crimes while terrorizing villages, La Republica notes. In one instance, a witness claims to have watched the attempted kidnapping of a 15-year-old girl on July 31 through the use of “propellers and high-tech equipment, which allows people to rise (fly) and descend easily,” the report says.

    • livusOP
      111 months ago

      Illegal gold mining makes up one-fifth of the world’s total gold production, according to estimates from the nonprofit Artisanal Gold Council. The practice is a $30-$40 billion industry all in itself, according to the council.

      The council also says that Peru is currently the largest producer of gold in Latin America.