Please be good, please be good!

  • @xyon
    31 year ago

    Honestly, this looks every inch the spiritual sequel to the 1999 game “birth of the federation” (if you’re in the US there’s a good chance you didn’t experience it because it was Europe only). I have faith that paradox have the chops not to drop the ball here, but only time will tell.

  • crowebear
    31 year ago

    This looks like the game I wanted Stellaris to be. Really psyched! Also it’s pretty cool you can play as the Cardassians.

    My dream Star Trek game is basically this as an overworld game plus away missions with XCOM style combat…

      31 year ago

      Xcom style combat, but also some missions being based on puzzle games would be my idea of heaven … like, you beam down expecting a fight but the locals greet you warmly and ask for help rerouting a power supply grid or something. Then on the next planet, you’ve got a fight on your hands. Etc