• Scirocco@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Trump’s plan for Gaza and peace in the Middle East to let Israel kill absolutely everyone that they want to.

    Anyone who thinks Trump would produce a better outcome for the people of Gaza is not thinking clearly.

    In the current political system, voting for a third party in earnest or in protest (for national offices) is a blatant waste of your vote

    By all means, vote in third party candidates in local, county and even state elections. Vote to eliminate the electoral college. VOTE for Ranked-Choice/Instant Runoff voting.

    These are the ways to break the two party deadlock.

    Jill Stein has co-opted the Green Party, and turned it into a blatant pro-trump shill organization, on behalf of Russia/Putin.

    Greens once ran good candidates across the country who won a fair number of local races and took office in places where they could have a good positive effect. No more. Sadly that party has been swindled and hoodwinked by a putinist grifter.