This is a genuine question, as every time I have an argument about this with someone they bring a point so utterly stupid that it leaves me stumped…

    1 year ago

    you just described all the conversations i had with my ex. blah blah blah “you know i think desantis has some good points”

    “NO HE DOES NOT DONT SAY THAT” cue argument about what hes actually doing and that one policy that only kind of makes sense doesnt make desantis anything anyone should be listening to

    no its about the kids not trans erasure. MAYBE FOR YOU ITS ABOUT KIDS OR SMTH but for the majority of the conservatives its about trans erasure WHICH IS NOT A GOOD THING.

    don’t even get me started on fucking covid vaccines. “this study says… myocarditis, autism, mrna blah blah” “which study” “they exist theres data” “ok i believe you show me these studies” “well i cant find the studies now i feel stupid gets upset but doesnt think shes wrong still

    once she brought me a “study” and the results said “THE DATA IS INCONCLUSIVE AND FURTHERS PROVES THE BENEFITS OUTWEIGHT THE NEGATIVES” and im like i dont know what to tell you this wasnt the study you think it is.

    i don’t get how people can just be wrong and proven wrong over and over but still think theyre right. her parents shove right wing propaganda down her throat sadly.

      1 year ago

      I think it’s as simple as:

      Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired -Jonathan Swift

    • Mike
      1 year ago

      Just A Friend - Biz Markie

      The way that I met her was on tour at a concert
      She had long hair and a short miniskirt
      I just got onstage drippin’, pourin’ with sweat
      I was walkin’ through the crowd and gues who I met
      I whispered in her ear, “Come to the picture booth
      So I can ask you some questions to see if you are a hundred proof”
      I asked her her name, she said blah-blah-blah
      I took a couple of flicks and she was enthused
      I said, “How do you like the show?”
      She said, “I was very amused”