I don’t know when this happened. There was a system update a few days ago which went fine. Two days ago I wanted to download something onto one of my HDDs and got an I/O error. After investigating I found out that I no longer am the owner of any of my drives and can’t create/delete any files. Chmod/chown didn’t help. Editing the fstab file didn’t help since it had the exact same contens as when everything worked. Shuffeling exec,rw around has no effect. Mounting/unmounting didn’t do anything. Phisically removing the drives also didn’t work. Adding a completely new drive automatically set it to restricted. How the hell does soemthing like this happen? I don’t want to do a system wipe.

  • thayerw@lemmy.ca
    15 小时前

    Can you read/write to the disks as root? If so, then something has likely gone sideways with your fstab entry. For example, the device name, order, or UID/GID may have changed, depending on how you’ve configured the entry.

    It’s difficult to assist much more without seeing the contents of /etc/fstab.