Pretty sure this one predates AI art.
It’s from 1986
So it does, apologies to Gary Overacre. I don’t know why, but it just triggered my AI image alarm.
Most AIs are trained on older poster art like this - they’re well labelled, have consistent style, and because they’re older there are likely to be a bunch of duplicates in the training set.
I wonder how large Gary’s property was.
It’s an old picture, it’s not generated. Not sure what’s the deal with the “oregano” jar tho x)
Oregano is a software to simulate electronic circuits, but i don’t know if it’s old enough to be referenced in this picture.
might also just be a reference to the random stuff you find on various machines depending on who set them up.
I was so surprised that this is a real piece of art. It really looks generated at first, but woah, some real actual people made this super cool piece of art!
oregano is an application for schematic capture and printing of electrical circuits. It can also be used for simulation if you have NG-Spice or Gnucap.
Gnucap read “no cap”
My dad had this poster hanging in his office at home, as did one of my professors in school!
There are three of those and I do believe I have high resolution scans somewhere if you want to get one :D
actual UNIX
I was gonna complain about the lack of pipes, til I looked at the ceiling.
cat is cat
Does the log say “log” or “login”?
“Login”, according to some comment on the Hackernews thread. Quiet hard to see tho, and ‘log’ works as well!
This gets better the more I look at it! What percentage of this was generated?
Most likely none of it! I got that pictures way before the generative AI wave.
Oh damn! It’s creative as hell lol
Ikr ? And the “old D&D rulebook” art style makes it even better imo!
I need moar wizardry in my daily computing.