Among the most significant changes with this year’s Elements releases has little to do with new features but instead concerns the ways users purchase and own the software. While prior versions of Photoshop and Premiere Elements have been lifetime licenses — the user buys the software and then owns it indefinitely — this year’s release has moved to a three-year license term.

      5 months ago

      Pretty fun dumb thing to play with. Use it to entertain friends and impress Luddites tech-illiterate boomers like my Dad.

      Occasionally someone is able to manually finesse it into making it do something actually cool.

      Edit : To be clear, I support artists and do NOT support the replacement of genuine and meaningful art created by individual minds.

      At the same time, I also would pay to watch a live real human choir + orchestra performance of that “Newton’s Genius” song if someone put that LLM song to sheet music.