I’ll go first. Mine is the instant knockout drug. Like Dexter’s intramuscular injection that causes someone to immediately lose consciousness. Or in the movie Split where there’s the aerosol spray in your face that makes you instantly unconscious. Or pretty much any time someone uses chloroform.
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Thanos was a great villain by this standard. He had lived through the suffering and collapse of his homeworld due to overpopulation, so his motivations actually made sense.
His plan was childishly idiotic which ruined any good will his motivation had
Idiotic, yeah, but at least it’s more thought out than “because fuck you, that’s why” which is all we get a lot of the time.
I would prefer an honest fuck you then an idea that doesn’t actually make sense and is pretty obviously flawed.
That’s not the taking into account hours much effort it took to pull off
Omg the Thanos thing drives me CRAZY and I don’t know why everyone else just gives it a pass.
There was no attempt at diplomacy with Thanos. If they just had a few diplomats talk about their needs, Thanos would have realized pretty quick that killing half of the humans wouldn’t be the best way to obtain his goal.
Here’s the proposition: how about you snap your fingers and make 99% of the population of overpopulated species sterile?
It would be wayyy more effective at meeting Thanos’ goal (of reducing suffering caused by overpopulation) and literally nobody has to die!
Meh, there are plenty of people in the real world who just want power and money for themselves, who will shit on anybody and anything to get it and teach others to hate on people for just being different in order to gain power. I don’t think it’s at all implausible that absurdly nasty and selfish people exist.
That can be tricky, though. Done well and you get a villain like Gul Dukat. Done slightly less well, such as with Killmonger and the villains from both Incredibles movies, and you have to make them at least resort to “for the evulz” methods to prevent the audience from sympathizing with them, and even then you may be left with a broken Aesop at the end.