Video by Laura Kate Dale: She covers the shortcomings of the Nintendo Switch in regards to accessibility and how a potential successor can be improved, particularly because other consoles have made massive strides to improve accessibility in the last few years.

  • LeylaaLovee
    1 year ago

    This is the one thing I can credit Microsoft for this decade, they got the ball rolling for accessibility for consoles. The adaptive controller was so insane when it came out. Sony has also been pretty good, adding a ton of features like visual audio cues and screen readers into their games.

    I have no idea how Nintendo is so far behind when series like Pokemon have MASSIVE disabled fan bases. I mean shit, you can’t even catch some of the legendaries in Ruby and Sapphire without translating braille and that was back in 2004. I don’t understand how Nintendo manages to be so far behind and ahead of the curve at the same time.

    • squirrelOPM
      1 year ago

      The best explanation I can find to that question is: Nintendo has always been slow to adopt new things. But I agree with you that it’s overdue that Nintendo gets its act together, considering how non-abled kids probably want to play Nintendo games.