No judgment.

    5 months ago

    A man who isn’t sexually attracted to me and acts more like a super close friend than a lover.

    I’m Asexually Aromantic, but I can’t deny that I DESPERATELY SEEK the close connection of a man. If he’s hella masculine (Buff n stuff) then that’s bonus points, but I just don’t really care at this point, just- fuckin coddle me or some shit. 🤧

    I’m mortified of Sex and anything sexual in nature; even if I wasn’t scared of sex, I have never in my days of being conceived, birthed, and breathing, looked at a man and thought, “Aw yea, I wanna fuck 'em.” I have no trauma either; Im deadass just built that way.

    Dating always felt so fuckin weird to be, the idea of pet names and claiming someone as a boyfriend or girlfriend always weirded me tf out. I’m not Poly either; dating/romance is foreign to me and always has been that way.

    The only guys I get “nervous” around are Japanese/Korean men. I 100% don’t understand why, but I wanna befriend someone who is native to that area and be super close with em. But I’m black so I don’t think it’s gonna happen 🙃 (I did a little digging, Japan is a bit more tolerant but a lot of articles say Koreans don’t really like/care for Blacks all that much 🥲 I wanna have hope, but I’d prefer not to fuck around n find out the hard way.)

    I want a guy who won’t push me or judge me as I am. I want a guy who, when people ask “Hey are you two dating”, we both go “FUCK NO!”. I want a guy who I can hug, kiss, sleep in the same bed with, and through all of that still be 100% Platonic.

    I’d prefer(??) they be mentally “cracked out” the same way as I am (ADHD/autism) But ong I just don’t fuckin care, if he’s funny and willing to put up with my sexuality/unhinged personality, HE’S A FUCKING KEEPER.