• finitebanjo@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Okay, how was the truth stretched here?

    Payne was credited by Russel, who is not the one who told her not to publish, and she became a Department Chair later in life.

    Josselyn Bell actually argued against the point of this meme in her own words decades ago.

    Lisa Meitner said Otto deserved that Nobel Prize. Meitner is heavily immortalized.

    Franklin might have recieved the prize in person if she were alive at the time (dead people do not qualify to recieve it).

    It should be 50%

    Then ask women to enter stem, you and I do not have the authority to force them to do anything they don’t want to do.

    And btw you’re fucking lucky I took the time to write this up for you, since its easier to manufacture bullshit than refute it most educated people don’t even waste time doing it.