One recent Supreme Court decision is already rippling through dozens of key lower court cases involving everything from airline fees to gun sales to abortion access, affecting people’s lives in important — and sometimes contradictory — ways.
You don’t want congress writing exacting laws in a lot of regulatory situations. Think if congress right now was setting interest rates. It wouldn’t get done until long after the economy had imploded. Even if they were listening to the same economists, political problems would create a disaster. The same is true in most cases concerning the EPA and other regulatory agencies. By the time congress would be able to respond to a situation, everyone would have died of whatever the problem was.
You don’t want congress writing exacting laws in a lot of regulatory situations. Think if congress right now was setting interest rates. It wouldn’t get done until long after the economy had imploded. Even if they were listening to the same economists, political problems would create a disaster. The same is true in most cases concerning the EPA and other regulatory agencies. By the time congress would be able to respond to a situation, everyone would have died of whatever the problem was.
Uh, no