
When the USS Enterprise investigates an attack on a colony at the edge of Federation space, Captain Pike and his crew face the return of a formidable enemy.

Written by Henry Alonso Myers

Directed by Maja Vrvilo

  • @AuroraBorealis@pawb.social
    5711 months ago

    I’ll say it, the adult gorn, in those space suits look awesome, I’m a sucker for more animalistic races in star trek

    • @maegul@lemmy.ml
      3611 months ago

      The adult gorn was easily my favourite part of the episode!

      There’s clearly a horror strain in the Gorn arc, with pretty strong echos/homages of Alien … and I am all here for it. With the scene of Batel warding off the young Gorn, I knew straight away she’d been impregnated because of the clear Alien reference.

      • Freeman
        3111 months ago

        I really liked the subtle hints. They arent just savage creatures. They have advanced technology. Communicate in ways humans cant understand at all. Use tech in ways most humans cant handle as well. Etc etc.

        Trek would do good to have more species that arent humanoid. It makes for a much more interesting show.

        • @maegul@lemmy.ml
          2011 months ago

          And now is the time to do it, where VFX and CGI are surely up to the task now.

          • Freeman
            1711 months ago

            Agree. One of my favorite species was the Xindi in enterprise. But even they fell victim to the trope of the universal translator. A species like the Gorn where normal linguistics just won’t work would be a nice touch (Ala the movie arrival or something)

      • @lemillionsocks@beehaw.org
        811 months ago

        We’re a long way from the silly rubber suit. They’re terrifying and the way they reproduce and use that tale screams xenomorph.

    • teft
      2111 months ago

      I’m a sucker for more animalistic races in star trek

      Bring back the Xindi insectoids!!!

    • @nxdefiant@startrek.website
      611 months ago

      I’m impressed by Gorn engineering now. Making a space suit with what looked like dozens of vacuum- grade articulated tail joints can’t be easy.

  • Value SubtractedOPM
    4111 months ago

    The more I think about the Chapel plot, the more I think it was a blunder.

    If she survived the initial attack on the Cayuga, it’s likely that others did, too - at the very least, it should give Spock a reason to look before hot-dropping the saucer onto the planet.

    • @eva_sieve@startrek.website
      2411 months ago

      Gotta agree, it seems like an unforced error. A good chunk of the audience knows she shows up in TOS, which robs the whole idea of any tension it might have, and on top of that it feels plot armor-y to have one person survive and then not check for anyone else.

      They could’ve just contrived to have Spock and Chapel be the best persons for the saucer deorbiting-- Spock as the precise vulcan/science officer to place the thrusters, Chapel as medbay’s lead in case they could bring anyone back from the Cayuga.

      • Value SubtractedOPM
        1311 months ago

        I’m fine with Chapel being stuck there - I think the tension comes from the overall Spock/Chapel emotional arc, rather than wondering whether she will survive - but the sequence practically demands a second scan with the newfangled tricorders to verify that there are no other life signs on the ship.

        • @khaosworks@startrek.website
          511 months ago

          Isn’t the point though that the Gorn interference field was preventing any scans, comms or transport? The tricorder wouldn’t have worked there. And sending rescue teams would have been dangerous given Gorn belligerence, demarcation line or not.

          • Value SubtractedOPM
            211 months ago

            The anti-Gorn tricorders seemed to cut through the interference on the surface well enough.

            • @khaosworks@startrek.website
              11 months ago

              True, but that’s on the ground and short range. There’s specific dialogue to show that it’s interfering with signals between space and ground.

              SPOCK: I detect a counter-frequency emanating from the planet. It appears to be negating all scans, communications, and transporter signals between here and there.

              Spock can’t even scan for life signs on Cayuga. The best they have is passive sensors like spectrometry.

              UNA: Still trying to scan for life signs?

              SPOCK: I theorized I might be able to find a frequency gap through the interference field, but I have not managed to discover one yet.

              UNA: Spock, I don’t think anyone’s alive over there.

              SPOCK: Spectrometric analysis suggests there are still pockets of oxygen on board. It is possible someone could have survived.

              That’s why they had to do a visual confirmation and discovered Cayuga’s sickbay had been blown away.

              • Value SubtractedOPM
                411 months ago

                All that being true, I think the discovery of a single survivor should have scuttled the entire mission.

                • @khaosworks@startrek.website
                  211 months ago

                  I was just trying to answer the technological criticisms about why Spock didn’t search.

                  I see where the criticism is coming from, but I can also see there are all sorts of extenuating circumstances around it (not to mention lack of time) and to take the plot there for a search would kind of kill the story momentum.

                  It’s not invalid as a criticism, just saying that tech reasons are covered.

    • @Zoboomafoo@yiffit.net
      11 months ago

      Agreed, the entire saucer section was on the Federation side of the line of demarcation, they could have openly had rescue teams checking for survivors

      • @JohnnyDelirious@startrek.website
        311 months ago

        Which does raise the question of why there was a Gorn aboard the wreck of the Cayuga.

        The Gorn drew up the demarcation line and broadcast it to the Federation, held their fire as promised, and did not consider the arrival of another Gorn ship as a hostile action.

        So the Enterprise sending a shuttle to check the parts of the Cayuga’s wreckage for survivors is something that appears permitted and even expected, so long as it doesn’t cross the line.

        But any such rescue party would then bump into this lone Gorn who was very clearly violating the demarcation line that they themselves proposed.

        Sort of feels like the attack on the colony was unplanned, and that the later Gorn ship was playing damage control while trying to figure out what happened.

        • @Zoboomafoo@yiffit.net
          311 months ago

          Sort of feels like the attack on the colony was unplanned, and that the later Gorn ship was playing damage control while trying to figure out what happened.

          That’s consistent with what they theorized regarding the solar flares causing the first ship to attack the colony.

          That’s the best explanation I’ve heard, and I’m going to stick with it until a better one comes along

          • Tom Riley
            211 months ago

            @JohnnyDelirious @Zoboomafoo One moment Spok is frantically trying to find Chapel on the Kayuga, but then doesn’t even mention survivors when they plan to crash it. It’s too much of a stretch. There must be some key plot here they deliberately didn’t show us. We don’t see the initial attack on the Kayuga at all. Why was the lone Gorn (stuck?) on that side of the line trying to access command codes on a destroyed ship? I think we’ll get a revealing flashback in S03E01.

            • @Zoboomafoo@yiffit.net
              111 months ago

              Agreed about the survivors part, it seems like a major oversight that I hope they can explain in a satisfying way.

              As for the Gorn on the ship, I presumed it was just a crewman trying to gather intelligence on the Federation by picking through the remains of the saucer section

  • @praxi@sh.itjust.works
    3911 months ago

    Adored seeing Scotty show up. I am worried about Batel being infected, as I love seeing a strong woman Star Trek captain and love her relationship with Pike. Lots of hints that the Gorn are not just “monsters”. They are the Borg of pre-TOS era, as someone mentioned.

    I hate cliffhangers though. I agree, how long before we see the next episode, especially with the strike.

    • @jaelisp
      2611 months ago

      While a strong woman, they’ve done shockingly little to tell us anything about her until the last episode when we find out she likes tourism. But we know precious little of her personality and most of the relationship has been seen from Chris’ side. I think she’s been written to be disposable. But I’d love it if they save her and actually develop her more.

      • teft
        1911 months ago

        I hope she lives because I like her as a captain. She seems very laid back and I feel like Starfleet being huge and all there would be a few captains that are pretty chill.

      • @praxi@sh.itjust.works
        1511 months ago

        We do know she is smart (ad astra episode where she is a lawyer), loyal (she tried to help Una) and doesn’t let Chris lie to her.

    • @reddig33@lemmy.world
      911 months ago

      I keep hoping Sam Kirk or someone else (even a female character) gets some space lovin’ going on. Everyone on TOS was much more swinging space 60s, and Jim Kirk was quite the lothario, but everyone on this show is much more traditional romantic.

    • Star Trek
      311 months ago

      @praxi maybe they keep Batel in the buffer of the medical transporter like M’Benga did with his daughter in season one.

      • @praxi@sh.itjust.works
        211 months ago

        I hope they can find a cure besides the transporter buffer, because I am worried the hundreds of people beamed onto the Gorn ship may also have been infected.

  • @Disgustoid@startrek.website
    11 months ago


    Someone posted earlier this week that it looked like Captain Batel was having a really bad day, and yup, she definitely was. My heart sank when she revealed the Gorn egg infestation. My money’s on her being the sole “main” character casualty from the events of this episode.

    I didn’t know Scotty was going to show up so that was a total surprise. Finding out he was Pelia’s perfect student who somehow flunked made all the sense in the world, ignoring the obvious small universe complaints.

    I LOVED all the effects shots of the Cuyuga’s debris field. I initially thought crashing the remains of the saucer section into the Gorn jammer was complete overkill, like throwing a dinner plate at a toothpick, but then realized the jammer must have been absolutely massive and far away from the settlement. It looked like it was relatively nearby upon initial viewing which didn’t appear to be the case considering the explosion from when the saucer section hit it.

    That cliffhanger, wow. I pray that they have the second half already written and aren’t going to do like TNG and wait to write the conclusion. It was mentioned in the TNG Companion that the writers only wrote the first part of their season ending cliffhangers and waited until closer to filming to write and finalize the second part which doesn’t seem like the best way to develop a strong resolution.

    I love SNW so much. It’s going to be an agonizing wait until the new season, probably 2025 at this point? Argh.

    EDIT: I swear I didn’t read any posts in this thread before posting my thoughts. I’m glad and amused to see we Trek fans had many of the same reactions!

    • @milkisklim@lemm.ee
      2711 months ago

      I think we can excuse the fact that apparently everyone and their transporter clone had Pelia as their engineering professor. She’s been at the academy for so long, I wouldn’t be surprised if she dated Boothby on and off again or at least got him into gardening.

      There’s a long tradition in star trek where characters talk about one particular professor or class at the Academy and the other character always knows who the professor is.

    • @lemillionsocks@beehaw.org
      1711 months ago

      Ah butts. Until I read your post I forgot that a writers strike is going to make the outcome of this episode up in the air.

      Pay your writers big corpos and stop trying to figure out how to reanimate actors corpses with Ai so you can use them forever !

    • @VindictiveJudge@startrek.website
      1111 months ago

      The TNG writers held off on writing BOBW2 at least partially because Patrick Stewart was renegotiating his contract and they needed to know if he was staying on. I doubt that’s a concern with SNW. The writers strike could be a problem, though.

      • @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
        1511 months ago

        Season 3 was originally scheduled to start production May 2nd, just before the start of the strike. It’s only the impending strike date that caused them to stand down on that.

        This tells us that the script for the season premiere has been locked for some time.

  • @Navi@startrek.website
    2811 months ago

    I agree with most people here. Great episode as long as you kinda ignore the fact that only Chapel survived in the saucer section and neither her nor Spock made any attempt to look for anyone else or even acknowledge it.

    Rest of the episode I loved and I’m now just a bit sad we are going have to wait so long for the next series.

    That being said, I absolutely support the strikes so I’m not complaining about the wait.

    • maxwisecracks
      1411 months ago

      They just had to say something like “Scans show nobody’s alive in the saucer section” and everything would be fine I guess.

      • Hogger85b
        1711 months ago

        The whole point was scans were down UNTIL they slammed saucer into planet. They couldn’t detect chapel due to the beam the saucer was used to destroy

      • @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
        811 months ago

        Let’s wait until part two.

        I think we may already have enough to figure out what happened but the technological explanation is yet to come. Much of the plot mechanics related to the Gorn so far rely on issues around what can be detected or transmitted and differences in solutions.

        The writers’ challenge for the saucer subplot was that they wanted Spock to be surprised by both the adult Gorn in the environment suit and by Christine Chapel.

        Their arrivals behind Spock on the exterior of the saucer were both unexpected, and were key elements of the suspense. His surprise and ours was necessary.

        We would have expected however Spock to have done some kind of local tricorder scan of the wreckage when he arrived. It’s possible that a tricorder scan was done, was negative, but we didn’t hear any report because there were no vocal coms back to the Enterprise. Uhura gave a play by play based on telemetry, we didn’t hear Spock report directly.

        In that case, we’re owed an explanation about why the new tricorder technology failed. As long as we get it in the second part, I’d be fine.

        Given the established interference field technology of the Gorn, I would be perfectly comfortable if the follow up episode acknowledged that the Gorn environmental suits put out some kind of localized disruptive stealth.

        The new Starfleet tricorder technology is designed for unsuited Gorn. It’s designed to solve the problem of Gorn biology but not Gorn technology.

        Gorn technology is different, they are driven by different species biological imperatives (as in the coronal flares), and that’s an extra hurdle for Starfleet.

        We have already seen however that Scott designed a system to both spoof human life signs to Starfleet tricorders and Gorn as well as hide human life signs for hundreds of people. To do this, he used some of the specialized technology from the scientific research array that was studying the nearby sun.

        Spock would naturally follow up on his surprise encounter on the saucer. Scott would be the natural collaborator to figure out how it was that the Gorn came up behind him undetected by his tricorder.

        So then, what about Chapel in the saucer? If she was the sole human life form, and he completed the scan, why didn’t his technology detect her?

        A couple of possibilities exist.

        – Chapel’s suit has some local stealth technology. She got into her suit as soon as she saw Spock pass by. Given it was in her quarters it’s a personal suit not a generic one, and she’s established as being a war veteran who had to fight despite being medical corps, and/or

        – the distortion field or stealth technology put out by the Gorn’s environmental suit was large enough to hide her as well.

        • @Richard@startrek.website
          811 months ago

          I think it’s far more plausible that Spock simply didn’t scan for life signs, as his mission was to install the rockets and had nothing to do with rescuing any survivors in the first place, he stumbled upon Chapel by accident. It’s also logical to assume that there would not be any other survivors left in the same space as Chapel as from Spock’s perspective, she would have brought such along or at least have informed him of them. Therefore, we can conclude that there wasn’t any misconduct from either of the two.

  • @UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de
    2711 months ago

    I loved the colony design. It kinda makes sense. There’s an endless number of planets out there, so why not found a colony for your weird LARP phantasies? “Hey, you wanna join my colony reminiscent of Victorian England? There’d be bustle skirts, butlers and bat’leths.”

    I had a feeling right from the urgency of the first minutes that they were setting this episode up as SNW’s version of “The Best of Both Worlds”. And the elements are certainly there. A superior enemy. A plan to fool them with technobabble. A crewmember held hostage – just this time it’s split up between Captain Batel being infected, and La’an, M’Benga and Kirk (and colonists) captured. And a cliffhanger. I had hoped that they wouldn’t do cliffhangers in this show – especially season-ending cliffhangers when we don’t even know when the next season will air. (2025 maybe?) Or if they did it then at least do it DS9 style where it’s more like a teaser of things to come instead of an actual cliffhanger.

    Oh well, at least they didn’t kill off Batel immediately, and I hope they won’t do it in season 3. I’d like to see more of her and of her relationship with Pike because I think it’s a really interesting relationship dynamic for a Starfleet captain to have a truly equal partner.

    I’m not quite keen on the physics in this episode. Would the Gorn really be fooled by the Cayuga’s saucer suddenly “naturally” accelerating towards the planet from the orbit of its moon? That already bugged me in Star Trek Into Darkness when the ship suddenly “fell” towards Earth. Yes, this is a Science Fiction show but they could really use a science advisor for this basic stuff.

    Finally, I wonder if every season will bring in another TOS cast member, and who will be next. Sulu? (he’d be an astroscientist though, unless they ignore the 2nd TOS pilot episode) Cadet Chekov? Bones? Janice Rand?

    This all sounds a bit negative but I actually enjoyed the episode. It wasn’t the best episode of the season but still above average. I just hope that season 3 will come rather sooner than later.

    • @eva_sieve@startrek.website
      2311 months ago

      Yeah, the colonists in this episode intentionally curating the a small-town experience is pretty subtle worldbuilding, but tees into the crazier variants like the Hysperians from Lower decks.

    • @erbazzone@startrek.website
      11 months ago

      I’m not the most accurate and precise regarding the lore but for what I remember of TOS (that was my favorite series) we should expect Sulu being the next one, then Bones should be in the cast together with Kirk later. Seeing that every one that will not be in TOS is now in Gorn hand’s I think we already know why. I don’t think it’s a coincidence

      • @UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de
        2611 months ago

        Seeing that every one that will not be in TOS is now in Gorn hand’s I think we already know why.

        M’Benga and Sam Kirk show up in TOS though. The only one in danger is La’an. (and I’d be pissed if something happened to her because I think that Christina Chong is a super strong actor, and possibly the breakout star of this show)

        • @erbazzone@startrek.website
          711 months ago

          Oh that was the same doctor? Never connected the two. I was thinking also about Ortega. Sam disappeared in TOS until he died so maybe he got traumatized from the incident.

          • @UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de
            1211 months ago

            Oops, you’re right. Ortegas is there too. I completely forgot about her since she got Travis-Mayweather’d so much this season.

      • @reddig33@lemmy.world
        1211 months ago

        How about we slow down and let the current cast own the show rather than it all being about rebuilding the TOS cast one by one?

  • @khaosworks@startrek.website
    11 months ago

    As I note in my annotations, I got very emotional whenever I heard them refer to Scotty as “Mr Scott”. Not sure why, it just sounded so right. When they said, “Thank you, Mr Scott,” I mentally added: “That’s something he’s going to get used to hearing over the years.”

    The moment I heard Pike say he missed Batel and then praise Ortegas I immediately knew they were going to be placed in jeopardy and sure enough…

    It was also immediately obvious when the Gorn youngling left Batel alone why it did so, so glad they didn’t string that out as some big mystery.

    The colony design meant that filming exteriors was cheaper, I suppose. It’s the equivalent of building a gated community as a Ren Faire, though there’d definitely be a demand for it.

    Wish they’d have given some hints to why that Gorn was on the Cayuga saucer, though. Why was it trying to access command level functions? Intel or something else? And how did it get there without Enterprise noticing or was it there before they arrived? Questions, questions…

    At least Martin Quinn, who plays Scotty, is a Paisley boy like David Tennant and Steven Moffat, which means using his natural accent will be easier to make out, as the Paisley accent is less harsh than, say, a Glaswegian one. He’s a bit young for Scotty though, at 28. I’d always assumed Scotty was at least five to ten years older than Kirk.

    Nice, fast moving action finale - but I echo the frustration at having this be a cliffhanger.

    • teft
      11 months ago

      I swear if anything bad happens to Ortegas I will riot. That lady has surpassed Tom Paris as my favorite pilot and with all the banter with Pike I worry for her well-being.

      • scy
        1811 months ago

        I imagine they left it open on purpose to allow Melissa Navia, who had a pretty rough year during production of season 2, an opportunity to be written out of the story.

        I would love for her to continue though, because I like her way more than Tom Paris, too.

    • @abba2566@startrek.website
      1311 months ago

      I would like to know why the Gorn was there too, but the Gorn didn’t notice Spock boarding and so there’s no reason to believe Enterprise would have notice a Gorn boarding. It’s also possible it was beamed over when the Cayuga was destroyed to find something or to access the ships systems.

  • @Continuumguy@startrek.website
    2411 months ago



    • Previously: The various stuff happened.

    • Oh, hey, Cayuga captains log.

    • Nice of them to have a colony modeled after an Earth town. Saves on budget.

    • “SIGNAL LOST.” In space, a dropped call can mean only one thing: Invasion.

    • Oh, we’re doing the Independence Day thing?

    • Telling a Starfleet captain to just do reconnaissance is basically telling them to go weapons free.

    • Nice little tinge of one of the TOS scores at the end of the cold open. Someone more geekier than I can probably place it.

    • If you ever feel like you are useless in life, just remember that there is a “skip intro” button during a “Space, the Final Frontier” monologue.

    • Is the “Gorn Protocol” a hand-cannon with with a diamond?

    • She flies the ship!

    • I’d like to imagine there is a deleted scene where they glue every piece of junk they have onto the shuttle.

    • If they’re going to do a “is someone still alive in the wreckage” storyline, they probably should have flip-flopped Batel and Chapel’s spots, given that we obviously know she’s going to live.

    • They keep giving Jenna Mitchell lines! FREE MITCHELL! Give that actreess a cast credit, cowards!

    • Ah, a good old fashioned beam into the sky.

    • Oh, look, a Gornzooky!

    • And… vaporized.

    • More Gornzookies!

    • Oh my god, it’s young Scotty. Hopefully this means Keenser is there. I always loved Keenser and his ability to sit on things he isn’t supposed to.

    • Doesn’t seem like Keenser is there :(

    • Of course Scotty would engineer a way to save people. He truly is a miracle worker.

    • Smashing a piece of space debris is a very… brilliant idea.

    • Pelia continuing to harass Una for her poor academics in engineering.

    • Why do I get the feeling that whatever plan Spock has to put the rockets on the hull will also allow him to check for survivors?

    • Wow, imagine that, Chapel is alive! Imagine that! Whoever would have thought! (Seriously they should have flip-flopped her and Batel if they were going to do this)


    • Oh, now she grabs the spacesuit. Although I guess she didn’t need it yet.



    • That looks like a bigger Gorn. An adult? Or at least like a teenager.

    • So incredibly Alien.


    • Oh shit, she’s been impregnated with gornzookies. A very zombie movie trope.

    • “There’ll be time later.” Before or after you get engaged to Dr. Korby?

    • “We need to abort some Gornzookies.”

    • Yeah, Scotty would be a shitty student despite being brilliant.


    • TO BE CONTINUED?!?!!?! Okay, who wants to drive to Hollywood and personally beat up some billionaires? I want this strike over NOW and I want a conclusion WITHIN A YEAR, A YEAR AND A HALF MAX!

      • @angstrom@startrek.website
        1411 months ago

        (Ignoring sloppy writing as the reason…)

        Star Fleet seems to like to compartmentalize information. Examples:

        At least post ‘First Contact’ they had hints of the Borg before ‘Q Who’ but kept it quiet. Similarly the Genesis device information was on a need to know basis (although probably for good reason). There was also that Voyager episode based around the Omega directive that only Janeway knew about.

        • @TheDubh@lemmy.world
          311 months ago

          Also didn’t they mention it’s basically untested. So no point rolling out weapons in mass till you have a chance to verify they work. It’s just cause false hope, or risk additional lives if they don’t work.

      • Hogger85b
        11 months ago

        I think they are still trying diplomacy with the gorn, admiral april says they want to try to bring them in and see if they can be allies. Star fleet doesn’t want to be outward threat

        Also I think admirals are downplaying the gorn threat, maybe not to scare citizens

  • @angstrom@startrek.website
    2311 months ago

    Anyone else notice that the 2 people on the shuttle down who didn’t have plot armor (Ortegas and La’an) were wearing red shirts?

    • @Disgustoid@startrek.website
      611 months ago

      There was at least one unnamed, previously unseen red shirt on the bridge as well. That was a hint there was going to be a body count. Of course, it could also mean that no one dies and the production staff are just playing into our expectations.

    • Basilisk
      411 months ago

      Ortegas was in the alternate future with Pike at the time of “A Quality of Mercy”, which is not necessarily “plot armour” but if we assume the timeline still hasn’t diverged — Pike not having had his accident yet — then it would seem reasonable she should get through to survive long enough to see the point of divergence and therefore survive long enough to be on the bridge with Pike when he meets the Romulans. However, that’s all very timey-wimey and subject to a lot of “maybes” and “what-ifs”.

      • @transwarp@startrek.website
        311 months ago

        A Quality of Mercy also showed Una in prison, and Those Old Scientists implied she’s revered. Did sending that letter prevent Pike from recruiting her lawyer? Things are already not heading down the exact timeline we saw Ortegas alive in.

  • @GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website
    11 months ago

    A cliffhanger… I was hoping they wouldn’t introduce those. I expect Sam and M’Benga will be the only one who makes it out alive… expecting to see Sulu and Chekov introduced soon.

    Edit: Also the “They’ve been beamed up… by the gorn” and Pike standing there has the potential to be one of the most horrifying cliffhangers in Star Trek.

    2nd Edit: Not Chekov…

        • @angstrom@startrek.website
          711 months ago

          Chekov was on the Enterprise during s1. Continuity with TWOK requires it. Plus some of the star dates for s2 episodes that starred Chekov where set before the star date for Space Seed.

          But yes at this point we are ~6 years before TOS so Chekov would be in his late teens.

          • @UESPA_Sputnik@feddit.de
            511 months ago

            Plus some of the star dates for s2 episodes that starred Chekov where set before the star date for Space Seed.

            Stardates in TOS (and SNW) are just random numbers. You can’t extrapolate anything from them.

          • @GaiusGornicusCaesar@startrek.website
            311 months ago

            That’s true, TWOK requires him being on Enterprise for Season 1, or at least Space Seed. I wouldn’t hold stardates too closely since they basically pulled them out of a hat and used whatever was pulled. But he would be in his late teens.

    • @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
      911 months ago

      Also not Sulu if Sam Kirk is hanging around. Sulu was some kind of xenobiologist (xenobotanist?) in the opening episodes of TOS. The move to alpha shift helmsman came later.

  • @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
    11 months ago

    Martin Quinn (Montgomery Scott) was reportedly born in Paisley, Scotland.

    Dropping in to note that I’m feeling very smuggly self-satisfied that I decided not to completely abandon my alias when we migrated from the other place.

    I guess that I must now become an unrepentant SNW Scotty stan. I look forward to seeing the character grow.

    • @Magnetar@feddit.de
      2411 months ago

      I love how they tock one of the most laughable elements of TOS and made the Gorn into a terrifying and interesting enemy. I genuinely want to know about Gorn society.

      • @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
        1711 months ago

        This exactly. Using something closer to the xenomorphs of Alien, introduces a truly frightening species that is sufficiently different that their kind of intelligence and motivations are believably difficult for Federation humanoids to understand.

        I know there are other older fans struggling with this, but I think it’s saving the Gorn and Arena from absurdity.

        No matter how compelling the story, TOS Arena’s ridiculous rubber suit Gorn has become one of the most recognized images from the franchise in popular culture.

        Even as a child watching the episode in its first run it seemed more like silly monster movie stuff. It didn’t have the quality of truly scary monsters of that era such as the Creature of the Black Lagoon. It wasn’t in any way reaching Roddenberry’s target high value sci-fi standard of Forbidden Planet or even The Cage.

        More, with so many later stories of Kirk and other captains welcoming the strange and different, coming to terms with very alien species, we need to be shown why Kirk was so hostile to the Gorn by the time of TOS.

        While they could have gone for some other kind of reptilian, I like SNW’s choice to go with a the biology of parasitic R-breeder. Roddenberry’s original concept for the Ferengi was closer to the parasitic bat people of Andromeda than what TNG and DS9 gave us. The updated Gorn can be viewed as incorporating that idea and making them as terrifying.

        • Basilisk
          411 months ago

          I like the Gorn being legitimately scary, but to me it kind of retroactively highlights how silly “Arena” was. You can’t really compare modern TV with the episodes from the 60s, but stick one of these Gorn on the planet with Kirk and he would have been proper fucked. I can accept it easily enough and take it with a grain of salt that, if we assume they were going to re-shoot the episode today with Paul Wesley and modern cinema techniques that the fight scenes wouldn’t be these silly ponderous things and the episode would probably largely not have Kirk confront the Gorn at all, mostly running away until the big climax with the “cannon”. However, it is kind of an unforced error, where they could have simply introduced the aliens as a totally new species without really losing anything while also not highlighting how silly the rubber suit Gorn was.

          • @StillPaisleyCat@startrek.website
            1011 months ago

            No highlighting is necessary. No need to be a fan to instantly associate the rubber suit Gorn of Arena with the franchise.

            The meme of Kirk in a ripped tunic fighting the rubber-suited Gorn with the Vasquez Rocks behind is one of the most recognizable images in pop culture.

            Goldsman and Myers have my respect for their attempt to salvage it.

          • @Tired8281@lemmy.ca
            11 months ago

            Kirk’s Gorn was the captain. Maybe he was old and feeble? Not suited for a fight, still pretty strong but no longer fast and agile. The Metrons chose the captains, not the best fighters.

            • Osa-Eris-Xero512
              911 months ago

              I love this actually. Kirk, probably top 5% percent against the Gorn captain who happened to be some ancient, arthritic, half blind, one foot in the grave, and still beat his ass all over the paramount back lot.

            • @Sertou@lemmy.world
              711 months ago

              My head canon is that there’s another stage to the Gorn lifecycle that we haven’t yet seen on SNW. It might be that with full maturity, the Gorn gain significant intelligence and brute strength relative to earlier stages, but lose speed and agility.

            • @angstrom@startrek.website
              511 months ago

              It’s also been suggested in the beta canon that the Gorn are made up of multiple reptile variants. The ones in SNW seem to be raptor based. It’s possible the less agile more tank like variants might show up later.

  • RBG
    1811 months ago

    Uggggh, not a cliffhanger!!! Damn them! Ok, how long till season 03?

    • @Zpiritual@lemmy.world
      2011 months ago

      With the strikes and every production on halt and needing to restart? Maybe early 2025 if we’re lucky. Earlier is possible I guess if the parts settle in the not too distant future and CBS put prio on SNW once things resume.

  • Julian Lam
    1711 months ago

    Chapel: [restores life support on the saucer]

    Spock: [straps rockets to the saucer and yeets it into a planet]

    Chapel: surprisedpikachu.gif

  • Acid
    1611 months ago

    On the whole a solid episode and the Scott appearance was very surprising and well done.

    However why the hell is Christine the only survivor on the cayuga, it makes no sense at all.

    Also the fucking cliffhanger is ridiculous