Baldur’s Gate 3’s huge launch has reignited the age-old debate about save scumming.

    1 year ago

    Having received Kingmaker for free and tried it on a supposedly “normal” difficulty, I totally understand why people save scummed and did it myself, because the game balance is so poor in the early sections that if you don’t save scum, progressing was often literally impossible.

    And then later on, if you got some really bad rolls, particularly when travelling or making camp, even if you could progress, you’d have used so many resources that it wasn’t worth it. The worst part was that certain class combos were overpowered and others were really horrible too. That game was just all over the place, and I eventually stopped playing it not because I couldn’t handle the difficulty, but because it was a chore to play and unfun.

    Very clunky all around, and it got repetitive too and had many work-like elements. I hear the sequel is much better, so I may try that instead later, or the upcoming 40k RPG from Owlcat.