The consequences of this election could extend for millennia.

    6 months ago

    Naah, the rest of us will just do what we did last time he was in the WH. Ignore for the most part whatever nonsense he spouts, host him occasionally because after all he is the US President and we need to keep good relations with the US, and otherwise just get on with life while America inspects its own arsehole for four years, then breathe a sigh of relief when he leaves.

    Ukraine might be fucked though. Depends if Europe can step up to fill in for what no longer comes from across the pond.

    • Aa!
      6 months ago

      The article is mostly about his impact on climate change efforts. You can certainly ignore it if you want, because there’s a lot of anxiety to be had over it.

      He most definitely would screw up the little things we are trying to do, but I’m not convinced what we’re doing is nearly enough, so I suspect it won’t have the impact this article claims.