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Runtime Break start
3h 54m 1h 33m

Episode 107: Devoutness and Dicks

The Mighty Nein (after spending some time on the island of Rumblecusp in anticipation for the coming preparations of Traveler Con) you discovered a people that lived here who had lost their memories over time and some seemingly ancient entity known as Vokodo (that had taken residence beneath the mountain). Upon learning about the different mysteries and dangers throughout, you discovered a cavern full of abandoned ships.
You fought dangerous creatures around and eventually went beneath the mountain itself to fight this Vokodo creature. You learned (as it was dying) of what it seemed to be fleeing from within the Astral Sea. You escaped the boiling waters with the treasure that you had accrued from its hoard and (it seemed) freed the people of Vokodo from this clouding fog that their memories from them.
As they returned, many of them realized who they once were and decided to return to their old life. Some chose to stay with the new life they had made here, nevertheless, a night of final celebration for the villagers of Vokodo (as the village that it once was) was brought forth around a large bonfire.
You all helped them into this final night. You saw some early arrivals to the TravelerCon event begin to try and find their place amongst the vicinity. After saying your bits before the next day, you went and crashed up in Vilya’s room and went to bed.
As the warm temperature of the temperate island morning begins to creep into the chamber (the seaside moisture in the air itself sticking in a sweaty way to your skin) you begin to wake up, one by one, within the comfortable interior of the tree where Vilya had taken up residence as Viridian for quite some time.
As you glance out from the elevated portion of this tree, you look into the loose thoroughfare of this village that surrounds this central space. You can see there are people walking about (some folks that are going about their common day to day business within the village of Vo, some that have gathered things and are currently packing). What looks to be a group of individuals that are in the first batch of those leaving for the day. Vilya has already left; woke up before any of you did and is not in the chamber. You can see from above that she is currently gathering with those individuals, prepping them and making sure that everyone who is leaving today has everything they need (because it is a one way trip for them).

  • UltragrampsOPM
    1 month ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:00:16 Taliesin:“Thank you Matt…” (Sam Impersonator!)
    • 00:02:42 Matt:“You can’t fake that kind of insincerity.”
      Sam:(sniffles)“Thank you, Matt.”
    • 00:04:00 Dnd Beyond’s 3rd Anniversary
    • 00:14:54 Veth:“It is an optional donation.”
      Travis:“Eyes just above the teacup, I saw it.”
    • 00:15:20 For some reason Marisha’s phone’s flashlight is on.
    • 00:17:35 Jester’s vision of Traveler Con
      • A main stage and gathering area
      • Beau wants a fighting pit
    • 00:19:15 The joke about Jester sweating so much is a reference to how her father (The Gentleman) is a water genassi.
    • 00:19:22 Pure Jester Moment “…what we’re trying to make people believe is that this Traveler has ascended, like he’s beyond the gates and he’s a god-y god-god now, and he’s no longer going to be able to, like, be right next to everybody. He’s as powerful as the Wild Mother or as the lightning guy or as, you know, this dragon or whatever the other gods are, I don’t know. So he’s got to be seen that way…I was thinking what if we made people think they saw the ascension, but they didn’t actually?”
    • 00:21:01 Artagan:“This just got extremely interesting.”
      Jester suggests using multiple Alter Memory spells on the attendees of Traveler Con for the story.
    • 00:23:39 Caduceus:“The human sacrifice angle sets a dangerous precedent?”
    • 00:25:52 Veth tells the story within the play of Peter Fawn where the audience’s participation of applause was connected with reviving one of the characters (a fey creature) on stage.
      Artagan:“Strangely, that is an actual ritual that works. Believe it or not. Not that I’ve seen it, I hate the theatre, but go on.”
      Veth:“You hate the theater?”
      Artagan"Shh. Continue."
      Veth:“Asshole… anyway…maybe they can make their own drum stick or something.”
      Jester:“And they all look like dicks!”
      Veth:“Yes! And at the end of the week they all beat their dicks as hard as they can. Just beat that dick as hard as you can and that’ll make the Traveler just shoot up!”
      Artagan:“What if they pray/beat too hard and it destroys me?”
      Veth:“Can you beat a dick so hard it can kill someone?”
    • 00:29:53 Artagan:“I want to do my things, not their things.”
    • 00:31:33 Artagan:“Look, she’s a bit of a bitch.”
    • 00:34:45 Artagan:“You see, deities are sometimes very vain creatures that don’t enjoy being made fun of in grandiose falsehoods and displays of ridiculousness. In fact, it makes them quite frustrated so I Love This Idea.”
    • 00:35:35 Jester’s idea of having sacrifices skinned alive and kept living.
    • 00:37:12 Artagan:“You know what, I think you’re right One Punch Girl and Mr. Prayer Man over there probably have a better idea about this than I expected.”
    • 00:38:05 Beau:“Oh no, we’re doing *Midsommar again.”
    • 00:38:38 Artagan:“I’m not going to lie, this has already unlocked a beautiful possible benefit to the design of this entire divinity thing. Imagine if, hundreds of years from now, Sehanine themself, out of their control has had to absorb some sort of a dick festival into their worship starting with this island. The Moon Weaver’s religion entirely altered.
      I. Love. This. Plan.”
    • 00:40:30 Casually removing the power of sending from all of the followers of the Traveller
    • 00:42:33 Caleb casts Major Image making a demo of the illusion for Jester
    • 00:44:06 Caleb:"Perhaps the messsage here is, “Oh you thought it was the Angel of Irons, but, surprise buddy, it’s actually the Chained Oblivion.”
      Artagan:“My apologies, there’s an issue with the ship dealer. There’s some sort of a turtle thing. I’ll be back shortly.”
    • 00:46:55 Caleb:“And now you see what’s behind the Green Door is the Moonweaver.”
    • 00:50:03 Jester pulls out her dicks.
      Caleb:“I will save you time. I can build dicks at a great scale.”
    • 00:51:05 Matt:“The weirdest Color Me Mine ever.”
      Veth:“We could boil some…h-h-horse to make some glue?”
      Travis:“Boil some horse?!”
      Veth:“Well, I don’t know, how do you make glue in D&D times?”
    • 00:52:05 Jester:“I don’t want it to be a week long thing of people beating their dicks, you know?”
    • 00:52:36 Beau’s Idea Board:
      • Make a stage.
      • Make dick drumsticks.
      • Have a dance-off.
      • Beat the drums with the dick drumsticks.
      • Dick hunt
      • Dick volcano trial.
      • Traveler is the Moonweaver.
    • 00:57:12 Beau suggests they get some free labor out of the trial by sending the followers into the mines for gems.
    • 00:58:02 Vilya:“I don’t mean to interrupt, nor am I going to ask for clarification, but I am about to send the first batch.”
    • 01:00:05 Meeting points:
      • Menagerie Coast
      • Eastern side of Taldorei (a place “far from the base of a mountain range where I’m from.”)
      • Near the city of Asarius in Xhorhas
      • Near Zadash
      • Western side of Marquet
    • 01:01:34 Marisha’s smile slowly grows while Matt voices Keyleth’s mother’s wishes to reunite with her family.
    • 01:02:42 Captain Deramid Therune (Lukash), and Kotho (Terra) are spotted in the crowd. Fjord makes a deal with Kotho to find Sabian for 200g.
    • 01:08:53 Anola agrees to help with the Convention
    • 01:10:09 Critical Dicks
    • 01:10:29 Fan Art Moment Caleb creates a 30 foot tall Traveler’s Gate. "Colorful like The Playa (Burning Man reference) at night and any time a person walks through, there is a silent explosion of hamster unicorns, blue crescent moons, tiny dicks, and tiny blue tiefling fairies.
    • 01:14:00 Rolling for hiding dicks
      Liam:“That dick roll is cocked.”
      Matt:“I love role playing games!”
      Marisha:(Boston accent)“Fifteen cacks.”
      Sam:“That was 21 Pilots’ first name.”
    • 01:16:49 Caleb "blue screen"s
    • 01:18:08 Caduceus’ failed meditation and vision of some sort of corruption in stark contrast with his faith of the Wildmother.
      “You touched something truly alien and entirely removed from the cycle of nature, both in Exandria and the natural order of the cosmic weave.”
    • 01:20:18 Jester Sending “Hey Orly! Did you find the ships? Did you figure out how to get it out? Are you guys still alive? Is Marius dead? Okay, let me know.”
      Orly:“You bet we found 'em. Marius still alive, still pointless. Ships, though, ain’t too confident, yet, about exiting.”
    • 01:24:58 Dicks hidden. Arch made. Stage built.
    • 01:28:18 Berex:“I can actually help make drums. They’re rather rudimentary, but we’ve got some hides.”
    • 01:31:49 Anola:“Well we had some decent stores before we lost everyone. We have enough for us, but with everyone who is coming, hunting would be important. Unfortunately our lead hunters left a couple of days ago. So all we have at this point now are Pono (Kieren) and Ashelyn.” (Werecreatures from previous eps)


    • UltragrampsOPM
      5 months ago

      Four days until Traveler Con. You have amassed yourselves as the hunting crew. Kieren and Ashelyn have decided to stay back and help with other elements (so I don’t also have to control 2 NPCs in this). Pushing forward into the first few hours of your journey, you trek through familiar territory of the jungle. Making your way towards the region where the vegetation begins to wither and gray. The space where you encountered your first undead-type creature. Skirting around it to avoid a majority of the pitfalls that seemed to plague Caduceus your first time through. Pretty sure it’s not happening again.
      You feel like you may have found some tracks earlier than you anticipated. You begin to follow them a little bit to a northward direction, diverging from the path you guys first walked to the volcano. The tracks weave a bit and you eventually come upon what looks to be something in the way. A furry beast has been killed and eaten here. There are actually two sets of prints that diverge. One continues north by northeast direction, and one taking the southern path that you choose to follow. Of the two sets, you begin to notice there might have been a pair that were hunting or they came at different times and one scavenged the other’s kill. You’re uncertain. They seem to be similar, but the southern prints are heavier. They sink deeper into the mud and they seem to be slightly larger than the other set.

      • 02:05:20 Caleb and the Dicks. “You Caleb’d the dick on that one.”
      • 02:06:06 Beau:“Why did you eat the mud, though?”
        Jester:“I don’t know, I just thought I’d heard of people doing that when they’re tracking.”
        Beau:“It makes you look super cool.”
      • 02:07:17 Jester:“Hey tree!”
      • 02:09:40 Beau:“Chief Jester Esquire”
      • 02:10:02 Veth:“Jester. You are one of the two greatest detectives I’ve ever met. If you think the bigger one is feeble, I’m with you 100%.”
      • 02:12:46 Larger and deadlier albino T-Rex
      • 02:13:35 Battle Maps!
      • 02:16:33 Liam:“Cuz rogues are broken.”
        Matt:“In some ways, yes.”
        Liam cocks his head and grins
      • 02:19:58 Resident Echo, Caleb
      • 02:21:15 Veth falls from a tree blowing stealth for the group.
      • 02:24:00 Beauyasha attack!
      • 02:26:53 Yasha rages
      • 02:29:28 Brennato’s Voltaic Bolt
      • 02:30:53 Veth:“Call me Ishmael.” (opening line to the book Moby Dick)
      • 02:35:05 Fan Art Moment Caleb’s Echo Image casts a fireball like a basketball over Jester’s damaging Blade Barrier ring to hit the albino T-Rex.
      • 02:35:43 Fan Art Moment Caleb’s transformation into a T-Rex with Bengal cat stripes (like Frumpkin!)
        Matt:(without another T-Rex mini on hand)“…you’re just going to get a shitty alligator.”
      • 02:36:05 Ashley:“Mrrow!”
      • 02:37:09 Fjord:“Nah, I’m good.” Eldritch Blast
      • 02:40:15 Beau floats the idea of T-Rex mounts again
      • 02:41:07 Yasha Airlines: We Love to Fly and it Beaus
      • 02:43:18 Matt:“I can be proud and hurt at the same time.” (after Taliesin used an ability to cancel Matt’s nat20 roll)
      • 02:44:18 Laura does some quick math, if 34 piercing damage is the halved amount from something halved again means the crit would have done ~136 (68*2) damage, which would have one-shotted Beau (and most anything, really)
      • 02:45:41 Yasha:“Clever Girl.”
      • 02:46:51 Matt:“Somewhere a Duck Barbarian would be proud.”
      • 02:48:19 Nuclear T-Rex
      • 02:54:14 Liam:“A one. A two-whoo! Three.”
      • 02:55:00 “That’s just right!”
      • 02:58:15 Caleb-T-Rex keeps taking bites out of the defeated one.
        Veth:“That’s for paying customers!”
      • 03:17:05 Jester asks if anyone else is freaked out by the vision of the roaming city in the Abyss
      • 03:19:47 Nine eyes
      • 03:23:02 Taliesin:“Perfection.”
      • 03:29:46 The day before Traveler Con, “Traveler’s Eve” accompanied by a music change.
      • 03:30:23 “Let Chaos Reign”
      • 03:31:20 Beau:“Oh my god, are you going to do a keynote speech?”
        Jester:“I’ll announce the Dick Hunt.”
      • 03:36:36 Artagan:“I’ve given similar gifts to many of these people, and well look at them.”
      • 03:39:27 Artagan is “the asshole Batman”
      • 03:41:07 Beau:“No one goes to 9am panels.”
      • 03:43:17 Veth invites Vilya to Traveler Con and empathizes with her trepidation about reuniting with an estranged child.
      • 03:47:34 Vilya sprouts 3 flowers (pink, white, and blue). Asks to give the pink one to Caduceus, the blue one to Fjord, and the white flower to Yasha, and her thanks to the rest.
      • 03:49:30 A tender mother moment “When I do, I’ll think of you.”
      • 03:50:21 Vilya passes on her 350 gold to Anola.
      • 03:52:13 Fan Art Moment The scene (viewed through the Tree Gate) of Keyleth recognizing her mother and happily running towards her.
      • 03:53:06 Sam:“What money?”
      • 03:53:14 Group shot (pun!) of the “Let Chaos Reign” hand gestures
      • UltragrampsOPM
        5 months ago

        The Mighty Nein become Level 13!

        • Caduceus rolled a 5 for his hit die, bringing him up to 115 HP. He, like all the casters, gains access to 7th level spells. Some standouts are Plane Shift, Regenerate, Conjure Celestial, and Resurrection.
        • Beauregard rolled a 7, for a new total of 109 HP. She gains the Tongue of Sun and Moon ability, allowing her to understand all languages and be understood in turn.
        • Yasha rolled a 2 for a new total of 140 HP. She gains a 2nd Brutal Critical die, which gives her a lot of extra damage (up to a max of 53 with her Magician’s Judge; or 69 (53 + 16 Acid) with her Skingorger’s active ability).
        • Veth rolled a 3 for a new total of 89 HP. She gains the class feature Versatile Trickster, which allows her to use the Mage Hand cantrip to gain advantage on someone within range as a bonus action. Hopefully it sees more use than her Magical Ambush ability.
        • Caleb rolled a 5 for a new total of 83 HP. Like Jester and Caduceus, he gains access to 7th level spells. With his discussion with Veth this episode, one of them is more than likely going to be Teleport, which will allow him to chauffeur the Nein around the world without begging Essek for help. Other options include the aforementioned Plane Shift; Simulacrum, Magnificent Mansion, Delayed Blast Fireball, and Sequester.
        • Jester rolled a 3 for a new total of 117 HP. Her 7th level spell options are the same as Caduceus’s, so I won’t recap. She also gained the unique ability to speak through her illusory duplicate from the Traveler this episode, so long as she’s close enough to hear the conversation it’s having.
        • Finally, Fjord took his 3rd level in Paladin and rolled a 9, bringing him up to 133 HP. At 3rd level, Paladins gain immunity to all diseases and, more importantly, their subclass. Given his deity is the Wildmother, him taking the Oath of the Ancients would be appropriate, which gives him the Nature’s Wrath (causes spectral vines to ensnare a traget within 10 ft of Fjord) and Turn the Faithless (causes both fey and fiends within 30 ft of Fjord to run away and reveals them if they’re invisible) via his Channel Divinity ability and the Ensnaring Strike and Speak with Animals spells for free.
  • UltragrampsOPM
    5 months ago

    Sam’s Flask

    Disney’s Future Worm

    Sam impersonator!

    Orly face