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Do you know what politicians learn after a huge fake asset bubble destroys the economy and makes many destitute?
To do it again, but bigger!!!
The Stock Market is evil incarnate.
Be ready for great depression 2.0
Subprime Mortgage Crisis 2.0 with massive bank bailouts courtesy of US taxpayers.
Note that the obvious stratified capitalism rules (small businesses go bankrupt and die, big businesses get free government money) is what started OWS noting that all that equal playing field and invisible hand nonsense was SOME BULLSHIT. And they got quietly (brutally) swept away by law enforcement as Jon Stewart made fun of them on the Daily Show (because in the end, he too is owned by the networks).
So this time we’ll know that peaceful protests will be ignored.
What’s left is the language of the unheard.
So this time we’ll know that peaceful protests will be
ignoredviolently attacked and encaged as usual.
Gotta have roaring 20s before that.
Every day my disabled ass gets closer and closer to relearning Spanish and just moving/‘retiring’ to Costa Rica.