For anyone curious:
It’s a pure silver quarter, need to check the price for silver.
Silver quarters were 6.25 grams of 90% pure silver. Silver is currently $0.91/g putting the value of the metal at about $5.10.
Coin collectors today will buy your 1925 quarter for $30-$100 depending on condition.
However in 1925 that quarter would be worth its face value of $0.25 — equal to $4.49 today.
Silver has lost its status as money, so silver is much cheaper today than it would be if it still was money.
You’re welcome to figure that out yourself, but 6.25g of 90% pure silver will never be worth more than the collector value of the quarter itself.
I think you’re misunderstanding the valuation of money vs collectibles. Obviously an ancient artifact made of gold is worth more than the pure gold value. Same for rare coins. I was talking about silver as money, not as collectible.
Maybe they intended to invest it for a century and were counting on compound interest.
Good thought. I figured it was just hyperbole.
Or he just waited until 2009 and bought a bitcoin
I suppose the loss they are referring to is that they fumbled and dropped their cool mystique at a critical moment. How can you put a price on that? …
Or perhaps they are talking about an accumulated loss. They’re basically out there flipping and fumbling coins all day - and after the latest one they’ve lost the equivalent of $30000 in total.
Ok so by my math it would be close to 6760 quarters they would need to lose,so assuming a rate of 1 per day they would have started at the age of 16 and lost the last one at 30.
I can only assume that at the age of 30 our hero packed it in,quit hanging around looking for dames, got serious about that whole time machine he was thinking about, jumped into 2024 and made this post as a warning to all of us.
Inflation is the real joke here.