From my outsider’s perspective, this was a battle between Blue Eye Samurai and Scavengers Reign, with Netflix willing to put the weakest promo campaign behind Blue Eye Samurai winning out over HBO letting the superior Scavengers Reign utterly hang out to dry (after giving the series screening rights up to Netflix after all).
Joseph Bennett, Charles Huettner: Keep making great shit. You have fans. Crowd-fund if you have to. People are here for what you’re serving.
The nominees were:
From my outsider’s perspective, this was a battle between Blue Eye Samurai and Scavengers Reign, with Netflix willing to put the weakest promo campaign behind Blue Eye Samurai winning out over HBO letting the superior Scavengers Reign utterly hang out to dry (after giving the series screening rights up to Netflix after all).
Joseph Bennett, Charles Huettner: Keep making great shit. You have fans. Crowd-fund if you have to. People are here for what you’re serving.