The Green Party submitted 29,500 petition signatures so its candidates could be included on the ballot, which was roughly three times as many as needed. Nevada Democratic Party then sued, claiming some were signed too far in the past or seem altered, making them invalid.

    6 months ago

    You’re defending a person being barred from running for elected office - I’m absolutely happy to agree that Jill Stein is ineffective and misguided but I’m not willing to cross the line into barring her from running for office.

    This is a fucking travesty and erodes our democratic system - just because she’s easy to hate doesn’t make this situation okay.

      6 months ago

      worried about “eroding our democratic system”

      Something a Trump presidency has proven to do wonders for and something that Trump has espoused a deep desire to protect.

      Democracy itself is on the line. The man Stein is working to get into office incited a violent coup attempt on the US Congress, tried to steal the election in multiple ways, eroded institutions and norms left and right, and has expressed that he wants to make sure people never have to vote again which is entirely possible if he’s given another four years inside the Oval Office. I’m defending it because I actually understand what’s at stake here and that politics isn’t a stupid game. People in the US will die. People in Gaza will die. People in Ukraine will die. People’s lives – especially those of the poor, the middle class, and ethnic and sexual minorities – will be ruined. The US will take decades to recover if it ever even starts recovering at all.

        6 months ago

        It’s a really bad idea to abandon democracy to avoid an autocrat. I think we absolutely should be doing what we can within the system to defeat Trump but this is a really terrible decision. We don’t need to do shit like this to beat Trump and it’ll set a bad precedent.