Fallout 3, New Vegas, Elder scrolls Oblivion are my three favorite games of all time If I had to put my finger on them. But it’s not enjoyable anymore to simply download them and try to play through them again. There’s just something about trying to replay them and it just doesn’t work. Maybe I spent too much time playing games with high graphical fidelity lately, or I spent too much time in them back in the day. But if there was a remake, 2028, they released a brand new version of any of these games, it would be immediate purchase for me. I would spend another thousand hours in them with modern graphics and updates. Like a modern game engine… The thing I wonder though is why? Why don’t they remake any of their games? Not even Skyrim! They just keep re-releasing it.

    • Magiilaro@feddit.org
      28 days ago

      Yeah and everything IRL is just a wild mix of gluons, mesons and other strange particles. I would say that going so deep down is a bit much 😄