Their post announcing it, has comments disabled. I have been going on reddit looking for polls to vote “yes” to continue to participate in the blackout. This was kind of a bummer.

    1 year ago

    June 30th is the big day, maybe they’ll make another attempt. On an app that’s all about just shooting the shit, and not giving too many shits about others due to anyonmity, Reddit/Spez were counting on the “I don’t give a shit” mentality to stick around on Reddit.

    So with that said, I’d rather not give a shit about Reddit and have this just be a catalyst for people who even give a few shits about the internet or just decency, to head here… then feel better about not giving a shit about a lot of shit except whatever shit you’re into, on a platform that promotes better, less greedy, less out-to-get-you type shit.