A retired Aurora police sergeant faces criminal charges for raping his daughter and continually sexually assaulting her and his two adopted daughters, but he remains free from custody while his ex-wife is in jail for objecting to court-ordered reunification therapy meant to repair his relationship with two of his sons.
This article has sooo much being said between the lines.
When the other party is there perpetrator of abuse and the one with power, it very often is detrimental to have some sort of mediation or therapy/counseling. Because the abusers very often are able to manipulate the story so they are the victims in need of most support/compromise/thoughtfulness/time/money/basically ANY conceivable resource in life and relationships they will exploit.
Now I admit I am more familiar with the medical side of things but this entire dynamic gives me pause because it is so psych 101.
To be clear, I mean the courts are absolutely failing this child and caretaker by allowing the abuser to have have access to the victim(s)
As far as information in the article, it sounds like the two kids in court-ordered Christian therapy are the only two the guy didn’t (allegedly) abuse.
But still, the whole thing is disgusting. These children should be protected from such an abusive garbage human. Their mother is doing the right thing.