Telegram, it’s “encryption” or lack thereof, whatever, is hiding behind it’s owner. And he’s got a what, $5 million dollar bond or something? The platform is being made an example of. And his kneck is on the chopping block.
If you think he won’t fold, you’re insane. The logs (yes, logs) will be handed over. Keys to encryption will be. Whatever it takes to gain 100% full access, will be given.
To think they won’t is purposeful, blatent, fanboyism. And to turn the conversation into a Telegram and Signal comparison is just… ugh.
Signal ain’t on trial here. Telegram isn’t even in the same area code as Signal in terms of security. But you already know that. Telegram is not, was not and never will be a secure, privacy centered messaging program.
And because it allowed some of its users to treat it like it is one, with nefarious intent, is why it’s going to burn in flames. And tbh, it should. People treated like it’s secure. When it was anything but. Reap it.
He’s either blocking them in the name of “user privacy” fighting the “good fight” or he’s refusing them because he’ll very likely be implemented, lawfully on the charges they want access over.
My point is, Telegram is done. It’s a rat trap at this point and anyone associated with it getting their info scraped - purposely.
deleted by creator
Telegram, it’s “encryption” or lack thereof, whatever, is hiding behind it’s owner. And he’s got a what, $5 million dollar bond or something? The platform is being made an example of. And his kneck is on the chopping block.
If you think he won’t fold, you’re insane. The logs (yes, logs) will be handed over. Keys to encryption will be. Whatever it takes to gain 100% full access, will be given.
To think they won’t is purposeful, blatent, fanboyism. And to turn the conversation into a Telegram and Signal comparison is just… ugh.
Signal ain’t on trial here. Telegram isn’t even in the same area code as Signal in terms of security. But you already know that. Telegram is not, was not and never will be a secure, privacy centered messaging program.
And because it allowed some of its users to treat it like it is one, with nefarious intent, is why it’s going to burn in flames. And tbh, it should. People treated like it’s secure. When it was anything but. Reap it.
deleted by creator
Great discussion, BTW, man. I appreciate the back and forth. You were far more cival than me in this on a few things that is not lost on me.
deleted by creator
Well there it is.
He’s either blocking them in the name of “user privacy” fighting the “good fight” or he’s refusing them because he’ll very likely be implemented, lawfully on the charges they want access over.
My point is, Telegram is done. It’s a rat trap at this point and anyone associated with it getting their info scraped - purposely.
That’s a pretty heft user base, there. GL.