finished epilating them today! it still hurt a lot but i think because i finished the other leg first i got accustomed to pushing through the pain so i got done quicker

also this is showing off a lot of thigh, idk if it’ll get removed or not ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • kittenzrulz123
    7 months ago

    I have severe gender dysphoria and depression, pain doesnt matter to me at this point and if it looks anywhere near as good as you I would bear all of the pain in the world

    • tunasyneOP
      7 months ago

      ah ok i gotcha. sorry for making light of things earlier i didn’t know how much this meant to you. yeah my legs are hella smooth now an i’m loving it a lot, but a really close shave with a safety razor gets me similar results! only real difference is that the hair grows back much sooner than with epilating. if you do decide to epilate i wish you the best of luck, but if you want a more pain free method of smoof legs, shaving (specifically with a safety razor! or maybe a straight blade if you own and know how to use one) can get you there, you just gotta do it more often.