The more I think about it the more I believe that we are reaching the end of mainstream piracy in short amount of time:

Paid Research Papers

This type of piracy suffered it’s downfall with the downfall of Sci-hub and it’s looking like it will never recover. But I don’t feel that this is a loss as there is a lot of open access journals and after hearing about MIT decision to stop using Elsevier, I hope that most universities will support the open access journals and leave the paid ones.


Needless to say that it’s getting harder for pirated games crackers to bypass DRM and I expect it to to get worse in the following years and I also expect a lot of game studios to release their games under freemium model with a lot of DLCs and micro transactions.

In general currently there is a good amount of games which did not get pirated yet.


I am kind of optimistic about the distribution and hope that more pirated movies distributors (Websites, Social media pages/groups/channels, …Etc) will come up, but in my opinion I think that most services will be shut down within 5-8 years, but old movies will be forgotten, so if you looked for a movie from more than one year old you will not find it, hopefully the torrent piracy community stays alive.

I think new services like Tubi might begin to improve in quality and quantity to fulfill the needs of the people who don’t want to pay for streaming.


I kind of think that this is the only type of piracy that will kind of exist till the end of times.


I am scared that it will end/become hard to find within 2 years, I hope I am wrong, but I am very pessimistic about this due to the lawsuits involving libgen, Anna Archive and even internet archive.


Currently the applications that are worth pirating are few and are usually worth thousands of dollars.

With the exception of Accounting/ERP software, I think that most companies fight piracy softly without really killing it because it’s basically a free marketing to their software.

Android Apps

I think it will go on for 1-3 years and then it will slowly die as companies are making it harder to mod their apps and Google is slowly making it harder on some apps to be modded (as per some of the Android apps modders).

News articles

Almost all the ways to bypass news paywalls are currently ineffective.

Most news sources currently are free to read, so the downfall of piracy of news articles is a good thing in my opinion as it was really free marketing for the paywalled news articles, I think people need to start ignoring paid news websites and to instead to donate to non-profit news sources.


I think that it will have a mediocre 2-4 years before all the websites turn into pornhub clones, especially with what is happening with goodporn, that will scare all the other websites into compliance to not lose their sites and especially since the number of websites which is holding the porn piracy scene is relatively small.

I think we are truly are experiencing the ultimate downfall of piracy.

Quick Note: before anyone say that Torrent cannot be stopped, that is correct but sadly the torrents search engines/indexes can be taken down. So even torrent is not immune.

      6 months ago

      I do notice the quality of p2p was diminished over the past decade, probably less people are keeping their share ratio up. But that has been getting better lately. Though it is true that it’s virtually impossible to get older movies through p2p, but that has always been more or less the case.

        6 months ago

        It did not. I think you and OP are feeling this based on anecdotal/singular experience. I can get any old movie I want and am able to download all the latest stuff very quickly using two private trackers. Been on one of them for over a decade and the other one is TL and I hardly ever use TL. 90/10 ratio.

          6 months ago

          That might very well be true, maybe I’ve grown complacent since setting up my arr suite a couple years back. Tonight I’ll try manually searching for the older files that have been gathering cobwebs in my search que and see if that helps.

          • TwiddleTwaddle
            6 months ago

            Many of the good private trackers have very active request sections too. Really obscure or old stuff may not be readily available, but with a decent bounty (if required) someone will probably be able to find them for you.

    6 months ago

    I’ve been hearing pessimism like this for over 20 years and yet all I can see is that piracy is always increasing and becoming even more accessible

      6 months ago

      That is not even remotely true comment. Piracy was really big in the early 2000’s lat 1990’s and it has not come back to that state since then.

    6 months ago

    Piracy is easier than ever IMO. 20 years ago it was messy, and full of viruses and fake content. Nowadays there’s plug&play pirate services with refined content.

    There’s so much people in the world today convinced that their subscriptions are worth it that I think they’ll let pirates coexist in peace, because they know pirates wouldn’t pay for it anyways.

      6 months ago

      I’ve been pirating content since floppy disks. I’ve watched all the changes happen in that time. Pirating is more accessible than ever.

  • Melody
    6 months ago

    No; Piracy won’t stop.

    Analog loopholes still exist; and cannot be eliminated completely from the chain. Enterprising crackers will tinker and find weaknesses in systems. People will find bypasses, workarounds, and straight up just crack whole encryption schemes that were badly implemented.

    Encryption was never intended to protect content. It was intended to protect people. In the short term; sure, DRM and encryption can protect profits. In the long term, it provably cannot and does not. Oftentimes it gets cracked or goes offline; and the costs associated with keeping authentication servers up for long enough to keep lawsuits off your back is provably large and difficult to scale. I would even assert that it costs more to run DRM than it saves anyone in ‘missed profits’.

    Frequently companies also argue that it saves profits by recapturing “lost sales”; but that’s provably false. A consumer, deprived of any other viable choice, will in fact, just not buy the thing if they cannot buy it for what they deem as a fair price. It has also been proven; that if they can acquire the content freely; they will oftentimes become far more willing to buy whatever they acquired or even buy future titles. When a customer trusts; they may decide to purchase. But why should a customer trust a company that does not trust them?

    6 months ago

    I’m not sure how you can look at hundreds of years of IP laws getting btfo by pirates and say the ship is sinking 😂

    I’m sorry, but until you can somehow answer the question of “how to make people avoiding laws impossible?” without causing a revolution, there will be laws avoided by people

    No laws have ever stopped people from getting what they want. Games will be made by those who hate IP laws and be played by those who seek it. Will that scene be a trillion dollar industry backed by governments and international corporations like the AAA scene is today? Probably not. Will a punk indie scene exist? Of course.

    Every popular entertainment medium that has a giant industry will see these same results as well. Movies, books, music, etc. As long as the medium is popular, it will persist outside of IP laws.

      6 months ago

      Same. Reading OPs list was like: “Wait is any of this becoming harder to pirate? At all?” Lol

    6 months ago

    IDK about movies/TV shows being in decline here, it seems to be in better shape now than when I first left the sea 15 years ago. New stuff, especially movies, hits the trackers way faster than they did “back then” and are easily available from public trackers. I can still find all the older things I want, granted some it only on the private trackers I’m using, but it’s being kept alive. Old or niche media has always been the hardest to find with torrents, but it really feels easier now than it did when I first started out 25 years ago.

    As for books, I rent most of them from my local library as e-books, strip the DRM so I can read on me reader, and immediately return so someone else can rent them. I haven’t really needed to pirate a book in years by doing it this way.

        6 months ago

        Removing DRM from a legally obtained copy is not illegal in itself.

        It is technically not illegal to remove the DRM, if the purpose is just to read it and the DRM is not compatible with my reading device. I just still have to honour the lending agreement I made with my local library.

    6 months ago

    Media piracy cannot be stopped. Don’t forget there was media piracy before the internet too. But back then it was physical piracy, and somebody made money on another’s work. That kind of piracy will always be shut down, because it is actually stealing. The fat cats want their money.

    But now we have a different kind. More like Robin Hood. Digital piracy takes something and copies it, giving it away for free. The biggest risk for piracy, is that the content holders offer their product at a price so low, it would be horribly inconvenient to pirate it. For example if Apple Music just had you pay a few pennies per song instead of monthly. You’d load up $20 and listen to a lot of music. If TV series offered ad-free streaming for like $0.25 per episode. If movies could be watched for $1. If academic journal articles could be accessed for $1.

    But that will never happen. They’ve done the math. They make more money with subscriptions and pricing right at the edge of affordability for many. Why would they want to make less money?

    Actually now that I’m thinking about it. The way for them to hurt piracy the most would be to give away low-bitrate copies of everything for free. Stream all the music you want at 96 kbps. Watch every TV series or movie at 480p. Download this ebook as a plain text file. Read this article with tiny thumbnail photos. Free version of game has low-res textures and 720p at 30fps. Even that wouldn’t end piracy, but it would be a lot less popular. It would be harder to find somebody to invest the time bypassing paywalls when you can read the text easily.

    Anyway torrent cannot be stopped. It’s moving to onion and i2p, fully decentralized. There will be nobody to take down. Besides that there’s always independent nations who don’t care about digital piracy, who can host private trackers.

    6 months ago

    I’d be more worried about media than the ability to pirate it.

    Music has adapted to generate plays. Platforms are already being polluted with genAI music.

    TV was replaced by streaming services. Series come and go and are very specifically tailored to get people to subscribe. Exclusives are the standard. Single season productions are not uncommon. People are also already investigating ways to pollute this pool with genAI as well.

    Movies are a stream of Marvel and Disney garbage that was already more CGI than acting. Now genAI and upscaled classics are on the menu.

    Piracy will not go away. People used to record movies with camcorders in the cinema, now they pull raw files from CDN nodes. There is always the scene. The platforms that try to profit from the scene come and go.