Ok, the title was an overuse of emojis as a joke. But seriously, I like some limited use of emojis because it helps me convey intention/emotion so that I’m less misunderstood and also adds some more feeling/fun to text content 😄
Ok, the title was an overuse of emojis as a joke. But seriously, I like some limited use of emojis because it helps me convey intention/emotion so that I’m less misunderstood and also adds some more feeling/fun to text content 😄
I grew up with emoticons and find the colorful nature of them quite disruptive… but that might just be me *shrug*
I’m sooooo with you. Emoticons 4eva! And ASCII art.
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My keyboard doesn’t have enough Cs on it to properly express how thicc that is.
Hahaha it’s from a VERY NSFW animation, “Axel in Harlem.” It was a big meme on a subreddit I used to go to, that I can no longer remember the name off it was all sped up and had “Ballin’” by Roddy Rich pitched up as the background music. It’s a hoot. I can pull that ASCII art by typing “forgies”. I also have
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Man, you hit the nail on the head for why emojis nag me, messages being monotone just makes it so much easier to parse.
I usually always use : ) type of faces to give tone, but I used to use text like you did there for shrug, but I assumed it would alter the text due to underlying text editor like this
It does unless you proceed it with a backslash like \*
Yeah I assumed it was just html underneath it all. Test: <i>italics</I> <Strong>bold</strong>
It is eventually encoded into the DOM possibly via HTML or possibly through direct node creation but it’s more accurate to say it’s markdown.
Markdown, never heard the term, the m in html is markup I thought, it’s been years since I did any web design. 2006 I think is when I studied it, so I used notepad, and Dreamweaver was still owned by macromedia haha
Markdown and HTML are indeed both markup languages, markdown is one that was designed to align with a lot of internet text habits that emerged organically like using *s to create lists and ascii tables.
A reference is available here https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax.text
Oh cool thanks. I saw Div tags listed in there, does it natively support such or does that still fall into the css or JavaScript type of chunk.
Edit: nevermind, I bookmarked it, going to read through it all this weekend, could be fun to get more back into some old hobbies