Anyone else really enjoy picking up new ideas from books? There are a lot of crap ones out there, but some real gems too.

Pic related is what I’m working through now and it’s fantastic. Randy has another book that’s a more general introduction to jazz guitar, which is probably the most useful information dense guitar book I’ve ever found.

What are your favorites?

    1 year ago

    I had the same experience. The knowledge and concepts in that book are invaluable, but it demands a lot of the player intellectually (to be fair, Mick did warn us of that in the foreword). As a strictly amateur guitarist, I doubt I’ll ever be able to fully digest it. I just try to take what I can from it when I’m feeling stuck in my playing.

    However, I would highly recommend the Jon Damian book if you liked the idea of Advancing Guitarist but want something a bit more structured and focused. I found most of the concepts in it really easy to apply.