They love their persecution complex, don’t they?

      1 year ago

      Isn’t that kind of the point? Put pressure on employers so this doesn’t happen?

          1 year ago

          I didn’t say he does this to protect employees, I think he’s doing this to protect hate speech on Twitter. Someone says something discriminating or other some other right wing bullshit on Twitter? Can’t fire them because that might get really expensive.

          Elon wants to protect his far right echo chamber; free speech and all that.

            1 year ago

            The biggest problems the far-right have had lately (apart from the severe emotional ones) have all had to do with deplatforming.

            If you spent a few months kicking around ideas about how you could address that, you’d end up with list near identical to Musks actions with Twitter. Shame the platforms, buy the platforms, cut the moderation teams, reinstate and signal boost key figures.

            So it’s completely fair to assume that’s exactly what Musk has been doing, especially when you see how selectively his “free speech absolutism” is applied.

            Now that that “todo list for a raging cunt” has been ticked off, how would you push things further?

            Well, the problem the far-right hit when they pushed further and went mask-off at rallies like “Unite the Right” was that being a neo-nazi ruins your life. Their friends, family, schools and workplaces dropped them like a fistful of shit – the correct response to finding out that someone in your life thinks that genocide is an appropriate solution to the problems straight, white men face.

            Musk can’t pay people’s children to call them or wives to come back, but he can try and bully workplaces into keeping on an employee whose wages are spent on tiki torches and khaki shorts, so that’s what he’s doing next.

            The far-right’s third favourite thing after genocide and slurs has always been brainstorming how to “red pill” vulnerable people into joining their shitty cause, all the way back to awkward Stormfront forum raids.

            The only difference between them and Musk is that Musk has billions of dollars backing him.