That’s a big struggle for me. When I was learning about Zettelkasten, the idea of immediatly writing in your own words the summary of a chapter feels daunting. What if I use the wrong words and wouldn’t understand later? What I want is to have notes from the book and then use them to write summary maybe in a week after reading a chapter. I can’t just do it immediately. What do you think are some good ways to aproach telling in your own words?

    2 years ago

    I had a similar problem, in my experience is a skill that can be acquired rather quickly. I had nice results with SQR3 reading method, roughly like this:

    1. Skim the material, get the basic idea
    2. Think of several questions you have for this material, given it’s basic idea
    3. Read it again, slowly and thoroughly
    4. Go back to your questions and write down answers for them

    Gradually this can get your more comfortable expressing things in your own language.