TNW spoke with futurist Nick Foster about the danger of designing the future with sci-fi in mind and why mundanity is far more exciting.

    1 year ago

    The article is a nothing burger classic. They set up the straw man notion of a 1950s jet pack futurism where we live in glass domes and commute in flying cars and then try to knock it down with their superior insight.

    Modern science fiction has dealt with this for decades now - Blade Runner is 40 years old ffs - where the future is layered on the past. And the poorer you are, the more you rely on the castoffs and remnants of what was. So guess what - we do get parts of that shiny glistening future, you just have to be a billionaire to enjoy it. And if you’re born in a slum then it will probably never exist for you.

    Don’t waste the click and spend a moment thinking about inequality instead.