If you’ve been avoiding Trinity, what would entice you to play her? Alternatively, are you a Trinity main with a wishlist of buffs for the lovely lobster?

Not enough of a Trinity player to dream up cool stuff, but for example here are some of mine.

  • Mild: base duration and maybe animation speed improvements
  • Wild: one of her augments generates Overguard for the squad. Some kind of buff for Champion’s Blessing that makes it easier to stack, and makes the buff permanent until downed or something?
  • CheeseNoodle@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    On the mild side she really needs duration increases, they were originally nerfed due to overpowered nuking builds that have both been patched and weren’t even that strong compared to some of the stuff in modern warframe.

    It’d also be nice if link could switch targets, right now it picks the closest target available whenever a link isn’t in use but if that target moves away it won’t re-target a closer enemy which makes it rather annoying as a source of melee range armor strip. Ideally it would switch to the closest 3 targets within line of sight, or out of line of sight if there are less than 3 targets in view.

    On the wild side it’d be cool if well of lifes augment got changed to make it so the target actually follows Trinity around so it can be re-located and used as as healing aura for the team.