Watch the episode live on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST

Runtime Break start
4h 12m 2h 11m

Episode 105: Collecting Legends

Last we left off, Bell’s Hells recently returning from the ruins of Aeor to find the western encampment in the Hellcatch (Valley outside of the Malleus Key) had been overrun and destroyed. You fled to Vasselheim to catch up with Keyleth, and the survivors of that incursion. Many of the movers and shakers of Exandria have been gathered to Vasselheim to discuss and decide what is to be done here in the rapidly approaching crux of Ludinus and the Vanguard’s plan as the impending (some sort of incursion or straight up invasion of the Ruidus folk) and the Weave Mind’s armies gather here onto Exandria proper.
You were present for a number of arguments and discussions here in the Platinum Sanctuary of Vasselheim, where you presented (upon prompting) the information that you had uncovered both upon the moon and some of the other dangers, such as the information that Ludinus may have uncovered in the ruins of Aeor. After stepping away for the evening, you were brought by Keyleth to the Birthheart (one of the most holy places of the Wildmother) where Orym had a true communion with one of the Pantheon. Upon which was granted a legendary enhancement to Seedling, the blade that carries his past and his hope. After an evening’s rest (some weird games of Spin the Bottle) and a brief bout of oversleeping, you caught up to a handful of loose allies that wished to forge a plan to present to the forum of all these gathered dignitaries, generals, and political leaders. In meeting with them, you presented the specifics of what you found (what your worries may be, the strengths of your knowledge, the strengths of your connection to Ludinus and his plan) and a plot was hatched. Not to fight through each barrier to get to him, but through the loohole of this singular portal you uncovered, a back door to the Red Moon of Ill Omen, to strike all three points at once.
Thus with this plan, semi-forged and ready to be presented for approval to the rest of Exandria, you begin to exit the Trial Forge. At which point, a familiar and strangely daydream-like psychic incursion takes Imogen’s focus. As she finds herself pushing through the red dust of her lifelong recurring nightmare, scattered past and reversed to the green wind-tossed fields of the Taloned Highlands. Where, in this vision, her mother has come to her.

“Imogen, are you okay?”

Previous Episode: “The Cradles’ Convocation”

  • UltragrampsOPM
    7 months ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:00:03 “A bunch of dirty-ass voice actors”
    • 00:03:44 “New York City?!”
    • 00:05:22 Laura:“It’s giving ‘reading a book by a fireplace’ or ‘fucking on a pile of money’.”
    • 00:12:20 Ludinus has sent one of his Simulacrum copies to meet with Sorrowlord Zathuda to broker a deal with the Unseelie Court at The Shrine of Gilded Gifts in the Amethyst Gulch Sierras (a place Fearne knows of in the Fae Realm). The Weave Mind were known to have left the moon briefly and then returned to Exandria (for the terraforming shabazzle around the Malleus Key). Ludinus is also asking Liliana to help with the broadcast of the vision in the Aeorian orb.
    • 00:20:02 Chetney’s “Elvish” LotR reference
    • 00:20:24 Fearne’s successful History Check reveals a Seelie community called the Pravenier (translates to Kaleidoscopic Tapestry)) abandoning their settlement due to a mass poisoning event. The ruins of the settlement have been reclaimed by nature and the elements and are considered haunted.
    • 00:21:20 Braius:“Fakie?”
    • 00:22:21 Chetney:“It’s a trap!”
    • 00:23:12 Taliesin:“Snoopy Snow Clones.”
    • 00:24:27 Everybody look up.
    • 00:27:57 Chet suggests tasking Ira Wendigoth (Hot spider?) with foiling the broadcast.
    • 00:34:16 The silver dragon is not on top of the Platinum Sanctuary anymore
    • 00:36:14 Travis:“I’ve got my faith in you and my finger.”
      Liam:“That’s a big finger.”
      Robbie:“Don’t underestimate me.”
    • 00:36:47 The Back Door and Your Mom
    • 00:37:07 Can’t give up your source
    • 00:38:11 Matt:“It’s like a Comic-Con show floor in here almost…Smells a little better.”
    • 00:39:00 Liam rolls a Nat20 on a History Check (totaling 32).
      Taliesin:“What symbol is that?”
      Liam:“That’s a pie” (naughty dice)
      Robbie:“That is the whole pie.”
      Taliesin:“So it is.”
      Liam:“Now I want pie… Reading is Fundamental!”
    • 00:40:34 Fan Art Moment Chetney rocking the monocle “like the monopoly guy just rolled out of bed”
    • 00:43:15 Orym:“Shut up, baby, I know it.”
    • 00:45:55 Orym attempts to point out a blue-skinned stranger to Dorian, but they vanish into the crowd a moment too soon.
    • 00:48:40 Chetney’s See Invisibility spots massive platinum security golems and the silver dragon.
    • 00:50:34 The dragon briefly meets Dorian’s gaze and he loses some bladder control.
    • 00:52:23 Flamespeaker Cerkonos, Planar Guardian and Headmaster of the Fire Ashari in Pyrah (voiced by Robbie in LoVM!):“The crisis orbs have been set alight and we came to witness.”
    • 00:52:50 Ophera, High Hierophant of the Temple of the Wildmother:“With the echoes of the Solstice still dangling and and twisting our world’s balance, we fight to keep order. The Ruby Vanguard is obscured in motion. Ludinus Da’leth vanished within his plots, and a fortress manifested around the bridge that anchors the Moon of Ill Omen to our tides. We the righteous peoples of Exandria struggle to get our footing. We need to reclaim our ground and shift that power, and time is absolutely of the essence. A number of you have taken this evening to gather your thoughts and present means of putting us in a position of power and control. Now is the time to make this presence known.”
    • 00:54:04 Vex’ahlia shuts down Zhafe Uludon from spouting more Cerberus Assembly propaganda.
    • 00:58:12 Athudashionus, the Ancient Silver Dragon, Guardian of the Platinum Sanctuary casts Zone of Truth over the entire Platinum Sanctuary.
    • 01:02:20 Long live Bolo
    • 01:03:08 Vex’ahlia:“…the Slayer’s Take, the Onyx Edge, the Stubborn Stock, the Flames Within, and any and all mercenary companies that are available and willing. The intent is, whether by cunning or force, to deliver the legends known as Vox Machina to the Malleus Key…I put forth my recommendation for the Mighty Nein of Wildemount to be set to this task…”
    • 01:07:00 Laura:“I say we let em go.”
    • 01:08:40 Imogen:“Everyone look cool.”
    • 01:10:06 Orym:“Time is short.”
      Braius:(under his breath)“And so am I…”
      Liam:“There’s a lot of halflings in this room, you guys. Be careful.”
    • 01:11:55 Lock it up, Ashton
    • 01:14:41 Braius:“…and we have a guy who makes chairs.”
    • 01:15:07 Liam:“I pull out Seedling like the Sword of Fucking Omens…”
    • 01:16:44 Taliesin:“Ooh, fancy pants.”
    • 01:18:03 Pop Quiz, Hotshot “Which of the great saints of the Platinum Dragon do you walk the path of?”
      Taliesin:“What’s the Platinum Dragon’s mother’s name?”
    • 01:22:27 Travis:“Chicken shit. Do it.”
    • 01:24:25 Ophera:"As we’ve seen, our great Mother is with us and we have the holiness of the Platinum Dragon amongst us. Yet there are dark magics put upon this. A necromantic bent that is sent to correspond with the light of holiness. Would you please assure us? How can we expect and hope that you will stay on the path of the righteous as well?
    • 01:27:10 “The Coven of the Veil hears her words, and we know this to be true. For what does light do but cast a shadow? They are in tandem, or should be. It would be foolish to think one should exist without the other. It’s about the balance, and there is much light in this group. We are comforted that a shadow walks among them and in step.”
    • 01:31:18 “I just pull my tits out.”
    • 01:37:47 Dorian’s turn to impress.
    • 01:41:25 Find Greater Steed summons an equine dragon named Coriolis.
    • 01:44:25 Chetney:“I have walked Exandria for centuries. I remember Zan Tal’dorei. I remember Errevon the Rimelord. I have seen the horror that befall this land and how people are strong enough to rise up and rebuild…”
    • 01:46:36 Liam:“You think you’re at a flea market?”
    • 01:48:10 Official titles bestowed upon the group:
      • Lady Fearne Calloway, Fae Scion of the Ancient Flame
      • Laudna, Veil Mistress of the Shadow Tree
      • Ashton the Reforged, Hammer of Paradox
      • Chetney Pock O’Pea, High Hunter and Lupine Paragon
      • Dorian Storm, Master Muse and Son of the Wind
      • Imogen Temult, Exaltant Hope of the Red Storm
      • Orym of the Air Ashari, Savior Blade of the Tempest
      • Braius Doomseed, Nascent Might of the Platinum’s Call
    • 01:49:39 Producer:“Ah!”
    • 01:53:45 “The Young Dignitary” (Scalebearer Waylon Amaredda) from the LoVM animated series makes a cameo with Chetney and Dorian’s father, Zeru Wyvernwind appears.


    Amongst the crowded exodus from the Platinum Dragon Sanctuary (here atop the Heaven’s Stair Mountain in the Silver Talon’s Reach), amongst the chaos, Dorian Storm has turned to see the sight of his father, the first time in some time.

    • 02:12:03 Dorian:“I’m not so certain that when you took your sabbatical as a youth, you kept your name? Your proper name in the world.”
    • 02:12:28 The loss of Cyrus
    • 02:13:23 Zdubs:“…We have, as you know, quite historical tethers with Zephrah. (Location of the city of the Air Ashari and the entrance to the elemental Plane of Air)”
    • 02:20:32 Dorian:“I promise. I will come home.”
    • 02:22:02 Score one ceremonial blade from Papa.
    Gambolcleft, the Vortex Blade

    (+3 to Attack/Damage)
    Gain Bardic Inspiration on any roll above 18
    Extra damage from Blade Flourish is doubled
    Ability: On a successful attack, the wielder can move 15ft and attack again at disadvantage. This effect can chain as long as attacks succeed.

    • 02:24:03 Dorian:“Here, a drunk old man who died while pissing, gave this to me.”
    • 02:26:09 Waylon is Exandria’s biggest collector and fan of Chetney’s woodworking
    • 02:27:24 Chetney:“…I have interactions like this all the time…”
      Laura:“Totally heard ‘I have an erection’. Right?”
      Liam:“Heard it, too.”
    • 02:29:09 Waylon:“…there are Dozens of us.”
    • 02:33:12 Braius tells his story to Highbearer Vord with some back up from Pike Trickfoot
    • 02:38:46 Upon successfully Persuadeing the Highbearer, Braius is granted magic armor.

    (+2 AC)
    The fabled plate of Uthor Vandrock “the Silvered Star”, one of the kindest and most noble warriors of the Platinum Dragon
    Adds 30HP to successful Lay on Hands
    Gives disadvantage to melee attackers


    • UltragrampsOPM
      7 months ago
      • 02:40:40 Fan Art Moment Braius’s public armor outfitting while being stared at by Highbearer Vord.
      • 02:41:33 “And I walk away.” (C1 Vax catchphrase)
      • 02:45:52 Orym decides to meet Dorian’s father
        Imogen:“Stone cold fox.”
        Fearne:“Your dad’s hot.”
        Dorian:“He’s dad and he’s daddy.”
      • 02:49:40 Ashton:“…and when you came back, I could see that little stone in your chest getting hard and mean and I thought I’d be [happy to see it, but I’m not]. Stay soft. We need it. We’ve lost our ‘soft’…”
      • 02:51:32 Dorian:“You did great.”
        Ashton:“Fuck you.”
      • 02:53:26 Imogen updates Keyleth on:
        • the vision sent by Liliana Temult
        • the struggles of putting family at such risk
        • the powerful forces that can potentially take over
      • 02:57:46 Keyleth confesses that she has not actually notified the rest of Vox Machina about the mission.
        Grogory:“I’m down to clown!”
      • 02:58:55 Fan Art Moment Exhausted and Exalted (Fire Elemental) Fearne leaning and drooling lava and breathing hot steam.
      • 03:00:30 Flashbacks to the “Keyleth Goldfish Incident”
      • 03:02:25 Matt employs DM Hedfuckery Trick #58008 “Unexplained Dice Rolls”
      • 03:03:45 Resources include Nanna Morri and even Ashton’s former group, The Nobodies (comprised of the other orphans adopted by the Greymoore Estate).
      • 03:07:43 Liam was looking at a different character that had a higher Perception roll than Orym, who is min/maxed in that ability.
      • 03:10:46 Guard:“Perhaps, one day, the words will find your mouth.”
      • 03:12:33 Bright Queen trolls Chetney hard
      • 03:13:36 Liam:“The BQILF”
      • 03:14:27 BQ:“You travel with one who is themselves a rift between many contradictions. The one you call Ashton. We are very interested in who or what they are and what they’re capable of. If you could return to us when this is done with as much information, or a means of bringing them under our control, there are a great many rewards that could await such an ambitious chairman.”
      • 03:17:09 Travis:“I’m outside the Zone of Truth, right?”
        Chetney:“Yeah! I was like yeah, bitch!”
        Laura:“I said biiitch.”
      • 03:17:26 No Regerts
      • 03:21:56 The Bright Queen explains to Ashton that his condition can destroy him or controlled with practice.
      • 03:22:31 Laura’s dice stack falls
      • 03:23:02 BQ:“I am slightly curious and mildly concerned that one of the heroes we’re sending to be the savior of our entire existence is just beginning a path of self-discovery.”
      • 03:25:54 Waylon’s tour
      • 03:30:46 Ashley waves her pencil wand and knocks over Robbie’s dice stack
        Robbie:“I was listening to lore.”
        Matt:“I’m glad somebody was, cuz otherwise I’m just slappin’ my dick in the wind here.”
      • 03:34:47 Fearne:“What’s this coding mean?”
      • 03:36:43 Chetney’s egg from the Oblivion Edition “That which is most precious”
      • 03:38:10 Chetney:(Yoda voice)“There is another…(Chetney voice)This chair is from my T.A.L.O. (Take a load off) collection.”
      • 03:39:36 At the potential offer of an apprenticeship with Chetney, Waylon faints.
      • 03:41:45 POP-Con
      • 03:44:39 Waylon:“You were wasted under Ultgar.”
      • 03:48:56 Legendary pièce de résistance
      • 03:50:04 Chetney must save POP-Con (but keeps calling his biggest fan ‘Wayland’)
      • 03:51:40 Braius:“I would love a signed POP. Don’t sign my name. I might put it on D&Dbay.”
  • UltragrampsOPM
    7 months ago

    Sam’s Mug

    A small black and white profile picture of Scanlan Shorthalt with the word ‘MISSING’ above.