If voting didn’t have real power, the weirdos wouldn’t work so hard to keep you from being able to.

    • aodhsishaj@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Because the Senate will block it. It’s damn near the lame duck presidency and the DNC doesn’t want to rock the boat in an election year. The Dems wont fillibister for it, as that would eat into the holiday time off. Oh, and the same billionaires that are getting tax breaks are contributing to both parties.

      Or did you mean why didn’t we put Garland on the bench instead of listening to a Turtle?

      Or why RBG didn’t step down to get a fellow competent judge on the bench?

      Or why Thomas hasn’t recused himself for all the many gifts/bribes/payoff vacations and mobile homes he’s received?

      Remember Citizens United and the absolute sprint of lower court appointments that were made. Oh and shit almost forgot the billionaires.

      But yes in all seriousness. PACK THE FUCKING COURT! Let’s do term limits while we’re at it.

