Like it’s even stopping anyone at this point, see so many private ones out and about.
They are a nightmare on the roads (and pavement), government and councils desperately need to invest in some designated cycle/scooter paths.
And not these bullshit white lines that people park over and drive in constantly.
It stops a lot of people. Unfortunately, they are also the ones who would actually follow the rules. This just leaves the rule breakers and idiots, giving everyone else a bad name.
I would personally love a micro mobility option. An option between walking and driving my van somewhere would be extremely useful.
And not these bullshit white lines that people park over and drive in constantly.
There’s a road near me where they spend loads of money “upgrading” the cycle infrastructure, literally all they did was to paint some white lines. Which as you say people park on.
It’s ridiculous.
There’s one road near me and I usually count over 5 vehicles parked in the cycle lane when I go past.
idk how that can happen, I genuinely think the parking officers just ignore it these days.
They’d rather walk around the car parks checking vehicles than deal with actually troublesome parking.
There’s one near me that’s only about 200 meters. Nothing joining for miles in either direction.
I suppose it puts a tick in a box somewhere.
Yeah I’m positive it’s just a box ticking next exercise.
But it’s just another example of the conservatives and their complete lack of any real interest in the carbon initiative, because that’s where this comes from. They were supposed to increase cycle infrastructure by a certain percent by a certain date, but since they were not going to do that they instead they decided to just paint some white lines on the ground and claim that they’d done it.
Then about 5 years ago they just decided to give up and not even pretend anymore, and left us with whatever mess they had got to.
There are some great examples of cycle lane design out there. And some atrocious examples of cycle lanes that have been built. But that’s a separate rant.
If we had a quality cycle lane network, we could have adapted that to support “more than walking, less that driving” lanes without much issue.
The earlier we invest in this new class of highway the cheaper and easier it will be.
I really hope in the next few years we see a revolution in short distance transport. Most journeys are less than 3 miles (if I remember correctly, could be 5) a perfect distance for e-bikes, e-scooters and normal acoustic bikes. Hopefully at least some places capitalise on it
Acoustic bikes? What kind of witchery is that? Do you sing to unlock them or do they play music while you ride?
Sadly this is a term that has caught on even though it makes no sense. I wish people had latched onto “non-electric” bike or “NE” bike instead, but here we are.
This seems like a good first step.
Move them out of the “technically illegal, but lots of people use them anyway” area, and into the “legal to use, but you have to register and carry some form of insurance”.Are you going to apply the same rules to pedal assist bikes? Or are you planning to single out e-scooters only, like tfl did for some reason?
Honestly, I might even extend it to push bikes.
And make it so inexpensive to get the insurance that there is no excuse.
I wish the cycling proficiency test was a legal requirement to ride a bicycle.
There are so many people who drive dangerously and use bad cyclists as an excuse. You know the ones who decide that traffic lights don’t apply to them, and the ones that ride on the pavement at 20 mph and knock over little old ladies.
I get the feeling that in the past, the effort required to cycle self-selected people a bit.
Now with cheap assisted bikes, it’s easier than ever to become a 100KG object travelling at 20mph.
So maybe it should have more requirements, in a “greater good” kinda way.Kinda like when drones took off (heh). The rules for how to use model aircraft needed refining, because the barrier to flying a 2KG object near an airport became much lower.
It’s something that’s irking me.
I’ve been a bicyclist, car driver, drive for a living and also have a VSett that goes a steady 35mph max which means I can lane check but, because I can’t fugging insure the thing means I’m always looking over my shoulder if I need to dump some
keeneager copper.I’m starting to think of selling it so I can get a
eBikeSurron instead and blend in with the local wildlife around here.If you give people a reasonable, legal way to do things, people will generally do them.
And the odd twat doing 30mph on the pavement is much more obvious, rather than blending in with people who would otherwise be following the laws.I think one thing that’s missing from the equation is testing and licensing to ride/drive them.
I know it’s an English forum here but you need to have a set of cojones to “drive” an escoot/EUC on our roads and I only use it to travel the short distance to work.
I’ve gone down arterial roads suited up with live Bradford traffic, and it’s not for the faint of heart lemmi tell ya :/
Just ask the communities who banned e-scooter for safety reasons why they did it.