• UtMan1988@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I mean, I get what you’re going at, but she does hold a PhD in cultural studies, and she did put in a lot of effort to get in. It’s very possible, too, that, in an arena so different than what she’s used to, she choked. A lot of the hate goes above and beyond with death threats and claims she should kill herself, and nobody deserves that.

    For how goofy it was, and the memes that have come from it, she’s earned my respect and thanks for bringing a little, albeit unintentional, joy to my life.

    • MissJinx@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      look i get it, but i coul get a PHD in other sport, lets say soccer, and lnow everything about it but also know I am not good enough to play. Academics and Olympics are different. Can you imagine being a serious and talented Australian break dancer and having to watch that?! Death treats are ridiculous and as a normal person of couse I don’t think that’s right. But I think she did know she wasn’t good enough but wanted to go for the novelty regardless of other athletes that were better.

      She knew what she was doing and did it anyway and that’s a shitty move from a shitty person

      sorry for the typos im in a moving train in my phone lol