Says the man who is the 2nd man on the ticket of the man borrowing Epsdein’s plane.

Somebody, please, make it make sense…

    7 months ago

    I can only assume you replied to the wrong comment. I never said it was intentional. I never even implied it was intentional. I said the Trump political team is incompetent for letting the company use that specific aircraft with the history it has. His team being filled with incompetent people isn’t exactly a hot take.

    Him using the plane isn’t really an issue, you’re right, it’s just a charter plane (that I hope they deep cleaned given its history). But the fact his staff didn’t prevent the usage of that specific aircraft, given the context, just shows they aren’t capable of seeing potential issues ahead of time that they easily could avoid.

    Political staff normally try to vet suppliers and partners to minimize surprises like this. They normally keep track of issues from a politician’s past that could cause more issues in the future. Given Trump’s personal history with Epstein, and specifically the issue of Epstein’s plane being a primary piece of his pedophilic empire known to the general public, one would have thought they would keep tabs on that.

        7 months ago

        What are you talking about? What do you think I an making up?

        I’m not making any claims. Well, other than Trump’s staff being filled with idiots, but I’m pretty sure that’s just a well-known fact at this point.